Passed Mar.
10, 1864.
AN ACT to authorize George E. Sangston, late
Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore city, to
pay over certain moneys to John H. "Lowe; F.
A. Prevqst, G. E. Sangston, Jr.; M. Talbott,
James L. Parr, J. W. Peale, J. F. Grove, E.
H. Janvier, J. J. McNeir, R. F. Ensey, James
E. Sangston, W. C. Smith and P. T. Tilyard,
for services rendered in the Clerk's office of said
Clerk author-
ized to pay.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted ly the General Assembly
of Maryland, That George E. Sangston, late Clerk
of the Superior Court of Baltimore city be, and he
is hereby authorized and empowered to pay to the
following persons, the following sums of money :
John H. Lowe, sixty-six dollars and two cents,
F. A. Prevost, sixty-six dollars and two cents, G.
E. Sangston, Jr., sixty dollars, M. Talbott, fifty-
four dollars and two cents, James L. Parr, fifty-
four dollars, and two cents, J. W. Peale, forty-
eight dollars, J. F. Grove, forty-eight dollars, E.
H. Janvier, forty-two dollars and one cent, J. J.
McNeir, thirty-nine dollars and eighty-five cents, R.
F. Ensey, thirty-dollars and seventy-six cents,
James E. Sangston, forty-five dollars and forty-
nine cents, W. C. Smith, nineteen dollars and
nineteen cents, P. T. Tilyard, twenty-six dollars
and seventy-nine cents, the said amounts to be paid
out of any funds that the said George E. Sangs-
may have in hand, as late Clerk of said Court,
after paying for the unfinished business of said