Seminary, shall ever be admitted to any honorary
or other degree or degrees of the same, unless
seven of the Trustees, the Principal of the College
being present, by a mandate under the privy seal
and signed by the hands of the whole seven said
Trustees, to the Principal, Vice Principal and
Professors directed, having signified their appro-
bation and authority for the particular admission
of said person or persons to said degree or degrees.
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the Principal
for the time being shall be considered ex officio a
Trustee, and is hereby vested with all the rights
thereto appertaining.
To be a Trus-
tee ex-officio.
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That from and after
the passage of this act, and until such time as
funds can be raised and suitable buildings erected
for the contemplated Seminary, the Faculty of In-
struction, of which Rev. Daniel E. Reese is the
Principal, and which he has for several years been
acting by the appointment and under the author-
ity of the Maryland Annual Conference of the
Methodist Protestant Church, shall be constituted
into the institution intended by this act, and the
same is hereby so constituted, and the said Rev.
Daniel E. Reese continued the Principal; also, that
the Teachers at present employed therein may be
continued, unless the Board of Trustees shall, in
their discretion, otherwise order; and the said in-
stitution, by the name and title of the Maryland
Annual Conference College, shall immediately have
and is hereby invested with full power to confer
on its deserving pupils, or any other person merit-
ing the same, Collegiate honors, and the degrees
of Bachelor and Master of Arts, and have all the
privileges and rights and be subject to all the
provisions of this act.
Authorized to
confer honors
and degrees.
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That this charter
and act of incorporation, and every part thereof,
shall be good and available in all things in the
law, according to the true intent and meaning
thereof, and shall be construed, reputed and ad-
judged in all cases most favorable on the behoof
and for the best benefit and behalf of the said
Trustees and their successors, so as most effectu-
ally to answer the valuable end of this incorpora-
Charter made