AN ACT to Incorporate a company to construct a
Marine Railway at Shad Point on the Wicomico
River in Somerset county, to be styled the Wico-
mico Railway Company.
Passed Mar.
8, 1864.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That a company be and the same
is hereby Incorporated under the name and style of
the Wicomico Railway Company, ami by that name
shall have succession, and be capable by law to
hold and dispose of real and personal property by
deed or otherwise, to sue and to be sued, plead and
be impleaded, answer and defend, and be
answered and defended, in any Court of Law and
Equity, or in any other place whatsoever, to make,
have and use a common seal and the same to
change or renew at pleasure, and generally to do
every other actor thing necessary to carry into ef-
fect the provisions of this act or any of them.
Sec. 2. And beit enacted, That full powers and
authority is hereby granted to the said Wicomico
Railway Company, to construct and build a good
and substantial Railway upon the bank and in the
waters of the aforesaid Wicomico river.
Authority to
build railroad.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That to raise the ways
and means wherewith to construct said Railway,
a capital stock of five thousand dollars in shares
of fifty dollars each, is hereby authorized, and
Lemuel Malone, is hereby appointed commissioner,
for the purpose of opening subscription books and
receiving subscriptions to the said capital stock of
five thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each,
who shall on or before the first Monday in April
next, procure said subscription books, and enter in
each book, or cause to be therein entered as fol-
lows, to wit: We whose names are hereto sub-
scribed do promise to pay to the Wicomico Rail-
way Company, the sum of fifty dollars
for every share of the capital stock of the said
Company set opposite to our names respectively, at
such times and in such manner as is provided for
by law, or may be provided for by said Company,
and the said Commissioner shall give notice in some
Capital stock.