Passed Mar,
8, 1864.
AN ACT granting certain privileges to the "Fells
Point Bank of Baltimore," incorporated by an
act of the Legislature of Maryland, passed on
the first day of February, eighteen hundred and
sixty-two, chapter thirty-four.
Leave of Leg
islature grant-
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the leave, permission and
consent of the State of Maryland be, and the same
is hereby given and granted to the President and
Directors of the ''Fells Point Bank of Baltimore,"
by and with the written advice and consent of the
owners of two thirds of the capital stock of said
Bank, to take a charter and become a corporate
body, according to the provisions of the sixty-first
section, and other sections of the act of the Con-
gress of the United States of America, entitled "an
act to provide a national currency, secured by a
pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for
the circulation and redemption thereof," under
any corporate name which it may take, under the
provisions of said act of Congress, and be accepted
by the Treasury Department of the United States
of America, and that such corporate body, when
formed, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to all the
assets of, and be subject to all the responsibilities
then existing, of the said "Fells Point Bank of
Consent to be
transmitted to
the clerk of
court of Ap-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said written
advice and consent of the owner of two thirds of
the capital stock of said Bank, shall be certified by
the President and Cashier, and a majority of the Di-
rectors of said Bank under its corporate seal, and
to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals, and be by him recorded amongst the re-
cords of his office, and from and after the same
is so transmitted recorded, the charter and all the
corporate powers granted to said Banks shall cease.