Passed Mar.
1, 1864.
AN ACT to provide for the appointment of three
Superintendents to supervise and control the
repairs and improvements of the Public County
Road in Allegany county, leading from Barrall-
ville to Westernport in the said county, and to
authorize and require the County Commissioners
of said county, to make levies for the repair and
improvement of the same.
dents to have
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the repairs, improvements and
supervision of the Public County Road, leading
from Barrallville through the villages of Mount
Ravage, Frostburg and Lonaconing to Western-
port in Allegany county, be and the same are
hereby placed under the charge and care of three
Superintendents of the same, to be appointed as
hereinafter directed.
Court to ap-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the Judges of the Orphans' Court for said
county, annually, and in the month of April, in
each and every year, to appoint three suitable
persons to act as Superintendents, for the purpose
of supervising and attending to the repairs and
improvements of said road, one of said Superin-
tendants to be a resident of that portion of said
county through which the road passes from Bar-
rallville to Frostburg; another of said Superin-
tendents to be a resident of that portion of said
county through which the road passes from Frost-
burg to Lonaconing; and the third and other of
said Superintendents to be a resident of that por-
tion of said county from Lonaconing to Western-
Duty of
County Com-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the County Commissioners of Allegany
county in making their annual levy for the repairs
of roads in said county to make a separate and
distinct levy in the hands of each of the three
several Superintendents provided for by this act,
for the repair of the respective portions of said
road hereinbefore designated, and to be expended