Passed Mar.
2, 1864:
AN ACT to authorize the County, Commis-
sioners for Kent and Queen Ann's counties; to em-
ploy some person or persons to repair the bridge
over Chester river at Crumpton, and to levy suffi-
cient money to pay for the same and to make pro-
vision for future repairs to said bridge.
WHEREAS the Legislature of Maryland on the
sixth day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-
six, chapter ninety-eight, did pass a law authorize
ing and requiring the Commissioners for Kent and
Queen Ann's counties to levy a sum of money to
build a free bridge over Chester river at a place call-
ed Crumpton, and to keep the same in repair: and
whereas, said bridge was built by directions and
under the instructions of said Commissioners: and
whereas, said act was not incorporated inthe Code
of Public Local Laws for said counties.
to levy.
Sec. 1. Therefore be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That the County Commis-
sioners for Kent and Queen Ann's counties are
hereby authorized and required to levy upon the
assessable property of their respective counties one
halt of the sum necessary to repair said bridge,
and shall yearly make such further levies as may
be necessary to keep said bridge in good repair.
Bridge to be
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of said counties are hereby authorized
to employ some suitable person or persons to repair
said bridge iu such manner and upon such terms
as said Commissioners shall determine.
To take
charge of
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said County
Commissioners shall employ some person to have
charge of said bridge, who shall attend every day
from sunrise to sunset, to open the draw for the
passage of vessels , and shall receive as a compensa-
tion seventy-five dollars per year for such service.
In force.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.