AN ACT to .provide for paying the costs and ex-
penses Degrading North Avenue, from Pennsyl-
vania Avenue to the Northern Central Railway,
in the city of Baltimore, by the Mayor and City
Council- of said city.
Passed Feb.
19, 1864.
WHEREAS, under an act of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, passed March eighth, eighteen
hundred and fifty-six, chapter one hundred and
sixty-four, the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more were authorized, upon certain condition
therein stated, to have the North avenue, from
Pennsylvania avenue to the Falls turnpike road,
graded or paved, or both graded and paved; and
whereas, the City Commissioner, for and on behalf
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, did,
on the fourth day of August, eighteen hundred
and fifty-six, contract for the grading of said ave-
nue, from the east side of Pennsylvania avenue, to
the west side of the Northern Central Railway ;
and whereas, although the work has been com-
pleted, the claim of the contractor and his asso-
ciates in said work remains unpaid, by reason of
the omissions of said Commissioner and of the
Mayor and City Council; and whereas, the work
has been accepted by the city, and the acts of said
Commissioner have been confirmed and ratified by
ordinance of said Mayor and City Council, ap-
proved December ninth, eighteen hundred and
SECTION. 1 Now therefore be it enacted by the
General Assembly of Maryland, That the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore be and they are
hereby authorized, empowered and directed to pay
John Ahern, and the other persons entitled to re-
ceive the same, the money still due and owing for
the grading of North avenue, from Pennsylvania
avenue to the Northern Central Railway, in said
city, as ascertained by the contract heretofore en-
tered into between William Slater and Joseph P.
Shannon, City Commissioner, for and on behalf of
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, dated
Required to
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