feit the said city a sum not exceeding twenty dol-
lars for each offence, to be recovered by summons
before any Justice of the Peace for Allegany coun-
ty, to be issued against the person so offending, if
a free man, otherwise against the husband, father
or master of the person so offending, who shall be
answerable therefor; and the person so offending
shall be obliged to remove such nuisance, to pay
the sum of ten dollars for every day the same shall
continue, to be recovered as aforesaid for the use
of said city.
Not to ob-
struct passage
of water.
Sec. 17. Be it enacted, That any person who
shall designedly injure the said water works, or
any part thereof, or obstruct the passage of the
water therein, shall for every offence forfeit the
sum of twenty dollars, to be recovered in the man-
ner and for the use mentioned in the preceding
Non water
Sec. 18. Be it enacted, That if any person, be-
ing first duly cautioned, shall use or in any man-
ner meddle with the water in said water works,
whether obtained from hydrants or otherwise, such
person not being a water renter at the time, or li-
censed by said city, he shall forfeit the sum of six
dollars, to be recovered and applied as directed in
the two preceding sections.
Invested with
Sec. 19. And be it enacted, That the Mayor
and Councilmen of Cumberland are hereby invest-
ed with the power and authority to enact and pass
all ordinances which, from time to time, they may
deem necessary and proper to effect the objects
herein specified, and to regulate the introduction
and use of said water, and for the protection and
preservation of its works in said city.