SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Rev. John N. McJilton, Dr.
C. C. Cox, Dr. Geo. W. Wayson, Dr. George W.
Fay, S. F. Streeter, William Daniel, Judge Wil-
liam Alexander, W. D. Miller, J. M. Cushing,
Caleb Doty, John M. Denison, John A. Needles,
Clemens Lamping, John J. Daneker, William D.
McJilton, James Carey Cole, Judge Hugh L. Bond,
Oliver A. Parker, Richard King, G. A. Grinnell,
Samuel Duer, Daniel C. Bruce, Robert M. Proud,
George Gildersleve, Gerard T. Hopkins, John B.
Seidenstricker, James Randolph, William B. Hill,
James W. Tyson, William H. Counselman, J.
W. Lee J. H. Audoun, Evans Rogers, William
H. Hebden, Rev. William Evans, John Dukehart,
John H. Ing, Otis Spear, J. F. Wagner, John F.
Towner, Levi Perry, Steptoe B. Taylor, Robert
Read, Caleb B. Hynes, John Meioshaw, William
I. Nichols, John W. Randolph, Samuel G. Spicer,
John Barron, H. C. Larrabee, E. L. Thomas, Rev.
I. P. Cook, H. C. Denison, Dr. R. W. Pease, Hay-
ward Hutchinson, William Hopkins, William
Moody, John S. James, Edward S. Lambdin, Dr.
J. G. Fleming, Thorndike Chase, Joseph H. Mere-
dith, Joseph Roberts, James Young, William H.
Hooper, and such others as may become contribu-
tors as hereinafter prescribed, and their associates
and successors, be and they are hereby created a
body politic and corporate under the name of the
Maryland Soldiers' Relief Association, with power
to have a common seal; to make contracts, sue and
be sued; to take, hold, mortgage and convey any
estate, real, personal or mixed, to the value of
three hundred thousand dollars, and to make by-
laws, rules and regulations for the government of
the association not inconsistent with the Constitu-
tion and laws of the United States and this State.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the officers of
the said corporation shall be a President, two Vice
Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding
Secretary, Treasurer and a Board of Directors, of
whom there shall be not less than twenty nor more
than one hundred from the city of Baltimore, and
not less than two nor more than six from each
county where auxiliary societies may have been or
shall hereafter be formed, who, with the officers
Officers of the