Billiard table
6. Any person or persons proposing to keep or
offer for use, a billiard table or tables, shall before
doing so, apply to the Clerk authorized to issue
licenses, for a license for each and every table kept
or exhibited for use by him or them, and shall pay
for each and every license to keep one billiard ta-
ble, the sum of one hundred dollars, or if he or
they propose to keep or exhibit for use, more bil-
liard tables than one, there shall be paid by him
or them for each and every such billiard table
more than one, a license of fifty dollars.
Penalty for
not obtaining
7. Any person or persons keeping or exhibiting
for use a billiard table or tables without first ob-
taining a license therefor, shall for each and every
table so kept or exhibited, forfeit and pay the
sum of five hundred dollars, one-half to the in-
former and the other half to the State.
Passed March
21, 1865.
AN ACT to enable the "Baltimore United Fire De-
partment" to donate its properties and effects
to the "Aged Men's Home" of Baltimore city,
and to dissolve its organization and surrender
its charter.
WHEREAS, the "Baltimore United Fire Depart-
ment" incorporated by the Legislature of Mary-
land, at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-three, chapter one hundred and eighty-
seven, having subserved the ends of its organiza-
tion, and there being no longer any necessity for
its service as a fire department, desires to donate
and transfer its properties and effects to the be-
nevolent institution, known as the "Aged Men's
Home," of Baltimore city and to dissolve its or-
ganization and surrender its charter ; therefore,
to donate.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That said "Baltimore United Fire De-
partment," be and the same is hereby authorized