Resolution to empower the State Librarian to
furnish to the several Justices of the Peace of the
State, the first and second volumes of the Supple-
ment to the Code.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Librarian be and he is hereby authorized
and directed to furnish to the several Justices of
the Peace of the State, the first and second volumes
of the Supplemental Code, and for that purpose is
hereby authorized to purchase as soon as practica-
ble and at publishers price, seventy-five volumes
of the first volume of the Supplemental Code, and
four hundred and seventy-five volumes of the
second volume of the Supplement; provided, the
volumes hereby authorized to be furnished to said
Justices, shall be handed over by them to the
Clerks of the Circuit Courts of the several coun-
ties, or to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Bal-
timore city, at the expiration of the times for
which they may have been elected or appointed,
or in case of their resignation or removal from
office, on their removal or resignation.
Assented to
March 24, 1866.