Invested with
authority to
construct rail-
road, &c.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That said company
be and is hereby invested with all the rights, pow-
ers and authorities which are necessary to enable
it to locate, construct, maintain and equip such
railroad or railroads as the President and Directors
may deem necessary for the convenient transaction
of its business, from the lands of said company,
and running to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad
west of Cumberland, by the most practicable route,
and for the purpose of enabling said company to
survey, locate, construct, maintain and equip said
railroad or railroads, it is hereby invested with all
and singular the powers, faculties, franchises and
privileges which, by the act of eighteen hundred
and twenty-six, chapter one hundred and twenty-
three, incorporating the Baltimore and Ohio rail-
road company, and particularly the fifteenth sec-
tion thereof, and the several supplements of said
act, are given, granted and conferred upon said
Baltimore and Ohio railroad company; provided,
that upon any railroad or railroads constructed
under this act, the said company hereby created
shall be bound to transport and convey all freight
and passengers offered for transportation and car-
riage at the same rates of charge as the said Balti-
more and Ohio railroad company is or may be by
law required to transport and convey freight and
passengers over its road.