have full power to construct, purchase, lease and
hold such railroads, tram roads, depots and wharfs
within the limits of Allegany county as it may
deem necessary, and to connect the same with' ex-
isting railroads and canals in said county, and for
surveying, locating, constructing, equipping, re-
pairing and using such roads and wharfs, it shall
have all and singular the rights, powers, advan-
tages and immunities which the act of "eighteen
hundred and twenty-six, chapter one hundred and
twenty-three, incorporating the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company and particularly the fif-
teenth section thereof, and its several supplements
confer upon said company, as fully as if the same
were set out herein and repeated, and the said cor-
poration hereby created shall transport over its
roads, and receive for shipment at its wharfs con-
structed under this act, and on any roads or
wharfs it may lease or purchase, all persons and
property at the same rate of transportation and
tolls as said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Compa-
ny are, or may be authorized to charge and receive,
and Such rate's of wharfage as said company and
parties using said wharf or wharfs may agree
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of said company shall amount to the sum of o'ne
million of dollars, which shall be divided into
twenty thousand shares of fifty dollars each, and
shall be considered as personal property, and as-
signable and transferable only in such manner as
the by-laws of the company may prescribe; and
the subscriptions to the capital stock shall be made
at such times and places, and in such manner as
the said Jacob Brown, Jeremiah L. Townshend
and William Walsh, or a majority of them may
designate, and may be paid for in lands or other
property adapted to the business of the company,
at a valuation to be determined by those receiving
said subscriptions, or in money, and the stock-
holders shall be entitled to one vote in person or
by pr6xy, for each share of stock owned by them
respectively; and whenever one thousand shares of
said capital stock shall have been subscribed, the
subscribers shall be authorized to act as a corpo-
rate body, with all the powers conferred by this
act, and at least ten dollars on each share shall be
paid in at the time of subscribing to said stock,
Capital stock.