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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 38   View pdf image
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Passed Feb.
10, 1866.

AN ACT to incorporate the Canton Marine 'Rail-
way Company of Baltimore.

ed — rights and

SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Edwin Bailey, Thomas B.ooz,
Charles T. Morris, William Denmead, Henry Ross,
William H. Cathcart, Benjamin De Ford, Jacob
W. Hugg, their associates, successors and assigns
are hereby made and declared to be a .body corpo-
rate and politic, by the name.and style of the Can-
ton Marine Railway Company of Baltimore, and as
such, by that name shall have perpetual succession,
and may sue and be sued in any court of law or
equity, and may make and use a common seal, and
have, use and exercise as a corporate body, all the
powers, rights and privileges necessary or proper,
for the purpose of constructing a Marine Railway
at Canton, in the city of Baltimore, upon which
vessels may be hauled up and repaired, and also
all the buildings, improvements, machinery and
appurtenances, necessary or proper therefor, and
for the purpose of conducting and managing the
same and the business connected therewith or in-
cident thereto, and for the aforesaid purposes, may
purchase, hold and use, estate and property, real,
personal and mixed, and the same or any part
thereof may sell, convey or otherwise dispose of,
and may generally do all such acts, and make and
enforce all such contracts, by-laws and regulations
as shall be necessary and proper for conducting
the business of said corporation, the same not be-
ing contrary to law.

Capital stock.

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of said company shall be divided into shares of one
hundred dollars each, and shall be at first the
sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be increased by
further subscriptions, at the discretion of a majori-
ty of the stockholders, to a sum not exceeding one
hundred thousand dollars, and such present and
future subscriptions of stock shall be called in and
made payable in cash, at such times and on such
notice, as the President and Directors may pre-
scribe; and every person, .who shall be the proprie-
tor of one share of said stock, shall in virtue thereof,


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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 38   View pdf image
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