AN ACT providing for a special term of the [of
the] Court of Appeal's.
Passed Jan.
12, 1865.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a special term of the Court of
Appeals shall be held on the fourth Tuesday of
January, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
five, that all writs and other process from the said
court, tested as of the June term eighteen hundred
and sixty-four, and made returnable to the De-
cember term, under the late Constitution, shall be
returned to the special term herein provided for;
and that all writs and other process tested as of
the June term eighteen hundred and sixty-four,
and made returnable to the next April term of
said court, shall be returned to the said April
Special term
' to be held.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That until
the commencement of the special term authorized
by this act, all writs and other process issuing
from the court shall be tested as of the June term
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and shall be
made returnable to the said special term, but all writs
and other process which may issue from said court
after the commencement of the said special term
shall be tested as of the first day of said special
term, and shall be made returnable to the ensuing
April term; and all writs and other process tested,
issued or made returnable according to the pro-
visions of this act, shall have the same legal force
and effect, as though the terms of the Court of
Appeals had not been changed by the existing
Writs made
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, T'hat this act
shall take effect from and after the date of its pas-
In force.