Bank of Frederick, to the Farmers and Mechanics
Bank of Frederick County, to the Fredericktown
Savings Institution, and to the Franklin Savings
Bank, in the respective proportions in which they
severally advanced said money; and the said Mayor,
Aldermen and Common Council are further autho-
rized to levy all necessary taxes on the real and
personal property of said town as assessed on its
books .on the ninth day of July, eighteen hundred
and sixty-four, to pay said sum; provided, that the
capital stock of said Banks and Savings Institution
shall be exempt from taxation under this act.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Mayor,
Aldermen and Common Council of Frederick are
hereby authorized, immediately after this act shall
take effect, to appoint three competent persons,
citizens of said city, to assess from such evidence
under oath as may be attainable, the goods, wares
and merchandize in the hands of traders, manu-
facturers and merchants, and liable to destruction
on the ninth day of July, eighteen hundred and
sixty-four, within the taxable limits of said city,
and to pass such ordinances as may be necessary
to carry into effect the provisions of this act.
Assessors to
be appointed.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That the
Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of Fred-
erick be and they are hereby authorized to issue
bonds maturing thirty years after the date thereof,
and payable at the option of the Mayor, Aldermen
and Common Council at any time after ten years
from the date thereof, bearing interest payable
semi-annually at the rate of six per centum per
annum, to an amount not exceeding one hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, and shall be authorized
to negotiate for the sale of said bonds at a sum not
less than the par value thereof, and to apply the pro-
ceeds thereof to paying the Frederick County Bank,
Central Bank of Frederick, the Farmers and Me-
chanics Bank of Frederick County, the Frederick-
town Savings Institution, and the Franklin Savings
Bank of Frederick, in the proportions advanced
by said Banking Institutions respectively towards
paying said sum of two hundred thousand dollars.
Authorized to
issue bonds.