Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of said company shall not exceed the sum of five
hundred thousand dollars, and shall be divided
into shares of one thousand dollars each; and the
said shares of stack as to all legal purposes shall
be deemed and considered as personal property,
and shall be assignable in such manner and under
such restrictions as the by-laws and ordinances of
said corporation may prescribe.
Capital stock.
Sec. 4. And whereas, the said Edward T. Norris,
Summerfield Baldwin, Amon Green and Samuel
M. Green, are, joint owners of sundry tracts of
land in Baltimore county, on which a cotton fac-
tory and other buildings are now erected, and it
is contemplated and intended that the said lands,
factory and improvements shall constitute a part
of the capital stock of said company; therefore,
Be it, enacted, That on the execution of a sufficient
deed by the said Edward T. Norris, Summerfield
Baldwin, Amon Green and Samuel M. Green,
agreeably to the laws of this State, conveying to
the corporation hereby created the lands, factory
and improvements aforesaid, with the privileges
and appurtenances thereto belonging, in pursuance
of this act, they shall each thereupon be entitled
to and invested with such number of shares in the
capital stock of said company as may be agreed
upon between them.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the
company hereby incorporated shall be managed
by a President and not less than three Directors,
all of whom shall be stockholders, who shall be
elected in such manner for such time, and perform
such duties as may be prescribed by the by-laws of
said company.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That all the property,
estate and joint stock of said corporation shall be
bound and answerable for any contracts or engage-
made or liabilities incurred by the President and
Directors thereof, or through their agency or by
their authority.
Property an-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That nothing con-
tained herein shall be construed as granting bank-
ing privileges to the said corporation.
Banking pro-