Company, with the exception of the powers to
augment the capital stock.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the said Presi-
dent and Directors of said company be, and they
are hereby invested with all rights and powers
necessary to the construction of a line of railroad
from the city of Baltimore to Owings' Mills, or
some point on the line of the Western Maryland
Railroad in Baltimore county, not exceeding sixty-
six feet wide, with one or more tracks, and for such
purpose they shall have all the powers, (under the
same restrictions,) vested in the President and
Directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company, and may cause lands, earths, timber,
gravel, or other material and improvements to be
condemned, as provided for by the provisions of
the fifteenth section of an act entitled an act to in-
corporate the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com-
Invested with
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors of said company may issue the
bonds of said company to an amount not exceed-
ing the Sum of two hundred thousand dollars,
payable at such time as they may deem best, and
may secure the payment thereof by mortgage upon
the bed, materials, machinery, rolling stock and
revenues of the company.
May issue
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That no subscriber
to the stock of the company shall be liable for any
of the debts of the company, but any creditor of
the company who shall have obtained judgment
against the company and issued an execution
which shall not secure payment of his judgment,
may file a bill in any court of equity against all
stockholders who may not have paid their instal-
ments, and the court may thereupon decree that
the sum so due shall be brought in and distributed
for the benefit of the creditors of the company.
not liable.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That as to all other
matters not herein specially provided for, the
rights and duties of the said company shall be the
same as those of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Rights and
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the General As-
sembly reserves to itself the right to repeal, alter
or amend this act at pleasure.