In force.
Sed. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Passed March
24, 1865.
AN ACT to compensate Richard C. Hardesty,
administrator of George W. Sherwood, (deceas-
ed,) late Clerk of the Circuit Court for Balti-
more city, for completing the records of said
court which were left unfinished by William H.
H. Turner, formerly Clerk of said court.
WHEREAS, William H. H. Turner, late Clerk of
the Circuit Court for Baltimore city, neglected to
record the decrees and other proceedings of the said
court during his term of office, and it thereby
became the duty of George W. Sherwood, a suc-
ceeding Clerk, to complete the records of said office
so left unfinished by the said Turner, and whereas
by his untimely death the said Sherwood was
unable to complete said records, and Richard C.
Hardesty, the administrator of the said Sherwood,
in the commendable desire to protect the memory
of the said Sherwood from reproach, and the sure-
ties on his official bond from loss, did assume upon
himself the labor and charge of completing the
said records, and it is fit that the public in avail-
ing itself of the service of the said Hardesty,
should make him reasonable compensation therefor:
Judge to ex
amine records
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Judge of the Circuit Couit
for Baltimore city, be and he is hereby authorized
and requested to examine the records so as afore-
said completed by the said Hardesty, and if he
shall be of opinion that they have been faithfully
made up in manner and form as they ought to
have been made by the said Turner, to order and
direct the same to be delivered to the prefsent
Clerk of said coutt, to be by him kept as parcel of
the records of his said office, and thereafter the said