Sums appro
of the Secretary of the Senate, and the Chief Clerk
of the House of Delegates excepted,) including the
cost of printing and miscellaneous expenses and in-
cluding ten dollars per diem to the Speaker of the
House 'and President of the Senate each, one hun-
dred and seventy-five thousand dollars; for the
postage of the members of the General Assembly,
including the Secretary of the Senate and Chief
Clerk of the House of Delegates, five thousand dol-
lars; to the Pennsylvania Institution for the deaf
and dumb for losses incurred in the education of the
beneficiaries of this State, during the years eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-three and eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-four, five hundred and ninety-one
dollars and seventy- five cents ; for the expense of
fitting up the room adjoining the Court of Appeals
for the preservation of records, twenty-five hun-
dred dollars, to be expended under the order of
the Judges of the Court of Appeals; for the
salaries of Clerks to the Adjutant General of Militia
three thousand dollars ; ior contingent fund lor
the Adjutant General's office, one thousand dol-
lars ; to Edward Shriver for services as Judge
Advocate under the late enrollment of militia by
appointment of the Governor, fifteen hundred
and fifty-four dollars ; to C. C. Cox as Surgeon
General under the appointment of the Governor
under the late enrollment of Militia, fifteen hun-
dred and fifty four dollars ; for repairs of roof of
Record Office Buildings, three-hundred dollars;
to the House of Refuge, five thousand dollars ;
for the contingent fund of the Land Office, four
hundred dollars ; for distributing the Journals
of Debates and Proceedings of the State Constitu-
tional Convention, to the authorized parties, one
hundred and sixty-five dollars, to be paid upon
the proper vouchers; for indexing the Laws and
Journals of the Senate and House of Delegates,
for the present session, eight hundred dollars ; for
the expense of distributing statement in reference
to the Resources of Maryland, including the sum
to be paid to Henry Stockbridge, for the propaga-
tion of the statement, fifteen hundred dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary.