to market, the said corporation is hereby invested
with all and singular, the rights, powers, profits,
authorities, privileges and advantages for survey-
ing, locating, constructing, using and enjoying
any railroads, canals, tram roads or common
ways to connect its lands, mines and manufacto-
ries with any other railroads in Allegany county,
and the necessary cars, locomotives, boats, wagons
and vehicles therein, and every part thereof,
which by the act of Assembly, passed at January
session, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter
two hundred and fifty-seven, incorporating "The
Bigview Coal Company," were for the lawful pur-
poses of said company, and the benefit of its cor-
porators given, granted to and vested in the said
company, and secured thereto, or to the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal Company by its charter, as
fully and perfectly, as if the same were herein re-
peated and set forth at large ; this said company
however, also transporting on its said railroads,
canals and ways, which may be acquired or con-
structed under this act, all persons and property,
at same rates of toll and prices for transportation,
as the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad or the Che/sa-
peake and Ohio Canal, are, or shall be by law
Capital stock.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital
stock of the said company, whether the same be
real, personal or both, shall amount to one hun-
dred thousand dollars, divided into five thousand
shares of twenty dollars each, and shall be consid-
ered personal property, assignable and transfer-
able, as the by-laws of the company may prescribe,
and subscriptions to the capital stock shall be
made in such manner, and at such times and
places, as the corporators aforenamed, or any two
of them, may designate: which subscriptions may
be paid in money or lands, or both ; and when in
lands at a valuation to be determined and agreed
upon by those receiving the said subscriptions to
the capital stock ; and the stockholders shall each
be entitled to one vote for every share of stock
owned by them ; to be voted either in person or
by proxy; and in case the whole capital stock