SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Charles M. Thurston, John
B. H. Campbell and George A. Thurston, and
such other persons as may be associated with
them in the manner hereinafter prescribed, shall
be and are hereby incorporated as a body politic,
by and under the name of "The Coal, Iron and
Oil Company of Allegany county," and by thai
name and style shall have succession, sue and be
sued, make and use a common seal, and the same
alter and renew at pleasure, and have all the ne-
cessary powers, and enjoy all requisite privileges,
rights and immunities, for opening, working and
manufacturing, and transporting to market, coal
oil, iron, and the produce of their lands, mines
and property, now or hereafter acquired ; and
shall have power to purchase, lease, hold, take,
use and acquire lands, mines, ores and leasehold
estates and property, which they may purchase,
lease, receive or acquire for such purposes ; with
power also to construct, receive, acquire or pur-
chase, any railroads, tram roads, ways, rights of
ways, canals and common roads, now or hereafter
being in the county of Allegany in this State;
— powers and
proided, however, that nothing in this act shall
conflict or interfere with the rights, powers, or
privileges, heretofore granted to, or vested in the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, or the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal, or the Pittsburgh and Connells-
ville Railroad Company by charter or supplement
created or granted by this State ; and provided
further, that nothing herein contained shall be
construed to permit said Coal, Iron and Oil Com-
pany to occupy, use or obstruct any county road,
without the consent of the County Commissioners
had and obtained after twenty days notice pub-
lished to the persons interested in the use of such
county road.