transportation of coal and other products of, its
mines and property to market, and shall have
power and authority to purchase, lease and mold
any property, real, personal and mixed, which
may be deemed necessary by said company for its
purposes, and shall also have power to make and
pass such by-laws, rules and regulations for the
management and government of the affairs of said
corporation, and its officers, directors and agents as
may be deemed necessary or proper ; which may
also be amended, changed or repealed at any and
all regular meetings of the stockholders of said
company; provided however, that such by-laws
shall not be repugnant to any law of this State or
of the United States.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of said company shall be divided into shares of one
hondred dollars each, and shall be considered as
personal property, and shall be transferable in
such manner as may be provided by the by-laws
of said company, and each share thereof shall
entitle the holder thereof to one. vote in all meet-
ings of the stockholders of said company to be
given either in person or by proxy, and for the
Capital stock,
purpose of obtaining subscriptions to the said
capital stock, books shall be opened under the
direction of the said James A. Ferguson, John
Rhind and Charles B. Thurston, or the majority
of them, at such time and at such place or places
as the persons ,who may act in that behalf shall
deem expedient and payment may be made for
the whole ox any part of such subscriptions
either in land, or other property or money, and if
lands or other property then, at such price and
valuation as may be agreed upon by those receiv-
ing such subscriptions, and in case the said com-
pany shall organize and proceed to act as a cor-
porate body, before a sufficient amount is sub-
scribed to the said capital stock for the lawful
purposes of said company, the President and
Directors of said company shall have power at any
time thereafter and as often as they may deem
necessary, and without opening anew books of
subscription, to receive further subscriptions to
the said capital stock, and to augment the same
to, such extent as may be authorized and fixed at
any meeting of the stockholders of said company,
Books to be