Passsed March
23, 1866.
AN ACT to amend Article twenty-eight of the
Code of Public General Laws relating to County
Section amen-
ded and re-en-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That section first of Article twen-
ty-eight of the Code of Public General Laws, re-
lating to County Commissioners, be amended and
re- enacted so as to read as follows :
County Com-
missioners in-
vested with
1. The County Commissioners of each county
in this State are declared to be a corporation,
and shall have power to appoint Judges of elec-
tions, Road Supervisors, Collectors of Taxes, Trus-
tees of the Poor, a Clerk to their board, and all
other officers, agents and servants required for
county purposes, not otherwise provided for by
law or by the Constitution, and they shall have
charge of and control over the property owned by
the county, and over county roads and bridges;
they shall also have power to locate, alter or
change the places of holding elections in the differ-
ent election districts or townships of their respec-
tive counties.
Passed March
23, 1865
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Templeville,
in Caroline and Queen Anne's counties.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General, Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the citizens of the town of
Templeville, in Caroline and Queen Anne's coun-
ties, be and they are hereby created a body cor-
porate, by the name of the Commissioners of Tem-
pleville, with all the privileges of a body corpo-
rate, and to have a common seal and perpetual