Canby, James Carey Coale, William Whitelock,
Oliver A. Parker, William H. Crawford, Phillip S.
Chappell, Gerard H. Reese, James D. Mason, Jacob
Tome, Evans Rogers, John T. Beacham, Benjamin
F. Cator, Isaac Coale, Jr., Benjamin F. Dix, Wil-
liam Davison, Samuel Townsend, Columbus S.
Crooks, Gerard T. Hopkins, John Leary, George
J. Kennard, Samuel S. Woolston, Alien A. Perry,
Jeremiah Wheelwright, together with Henry C.
Smith, Dudley T. Morton, Charles Humrick-
house, the subscribers to the stock of the company
and their successors, shall be and are hereby
declared to be a body politic and corporate by the
Name and style
name and style of "The Washington Fire Insur-
ance Company of Baltimore," and by that name
shall have succession and be capable in law to sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and
be answered, defend and be defended in all courts
of law, equity or elsewhere, to make and use one
common seal and the same to alter or renew at
pleasure and generally to do and perform all
things relative to the object of this corporation
which now is or shall be lawful for any individual
or body politic or corporation to do.
Capital stock.
Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That the capital stock of
this company shall consist of a sum not exceeding
five hundred thousand dollars, divided into fifty
thousand shares of the value of ten dollars each,
two dollars on each share to be paid at the time
of subscribing and three dollars on each share
within sixty days thereafter, the remaining five
dollars per share to be paid in as the President
and Directors may require by giving ten days
public notice of the same, and should any stock-
holder fail to pay an instalment when required by
the President and Directors, he shall forfeit the
amount already paid and be held liable for his
proportion of any loss which may have occurred
previous to such failure or in consequence thereof.
Books to be
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners heretofore named or any five of them, shall
open books of subscription to the capital stock of
the company hereby incorporated, and as soon as
five thousand shares shall have been subscribed
and all instalments due thereon paid, they shall
by public notice for ten days in a newspaper pub-
lished in the city of Baltimore, call a meeting of