THE undersigned, having been appointed by the late Mayor to the duty of numbering the
houses in this city, have, at the suggestion of the leading business men, undertaken to make out
a new and complete Directory.
Having now completed the work preparatory to publication, they beg leave to inform their
friends and the public that they have made arrangements with Mr. JOHN MURPHY, No. 178
Baltimore street, for printing and publishing the same, and that it will be issued in a very
neat and convenient style, with all possible despatch. In announcing this work we do not
deem it out of place to point out to the public a few of the advantages that we have enjoyed
in this undertaking. Being compelled by the business in which we were employed to visit
every house, we have had an opportunity of ascertaining CORRECTLY the Names, Places of
Business, and Dwellings of all the householders in the city. We have also taken especial pains
to secure a List of all the Public Buildings, Names of the Streets, Lanes, Alleys, and Courts within
the city limits, with much other useful information, suitable for a work of this description, and
have no hesitation in promising to the public the most correct and useful work of the kind that
has ever been offered to the citizens of Baltimore. In conformity with the above arrangement, a
Book is kept at Mr. Murphy's Store, where changes in Firms, Removals, and all other changes
that may have taken place since we have called at the different places, can be registered. Imme-
diate attention on the part of those interested, to this matter, will confer a great favor on the pub-
lishers, and insure that accuracy which is so essential to the public. For the convenience of
Merchants, Mechanics, Business and Professional Men generally, we have concluded to add at
the end of the work a few pages of advertisements. To this matter we have determined to pay
particular attention in order to meet the wishes, and promote the general interest of the business
community, by inserting; their advertisements in a conspicuous manner at a very low price.
THE subscriber, in presenting to the public a new Directory of the City of Baltimore, deems it
proper to offer a few prefatory remarks relative to the origin, execution, and aim of the work.
By a reference to the preceding card it will be seen that the project of issuing the present
publication did not originate with the subscriber, but with the gentlemen, who, having been ap-
pointed to number the houses in the city, availed themselves of the opportunity thus afforded, to
collect the materials for a Directory. Their opinion is, that they have succeeded in compiling the
most useful and correct work of the kind ever offered to the citizens of Baltimore ; but the sub-
scriber would be unjust to them, were he to claim any credit beyond that which may be due to
its general arrangement, its neat and careful mechanical execution, and the addition of an historical
sketch of the city and a Business Directory.
The Directory has been arranged in a compact but distinct manner, in order to bring as many
names as possible at once under the eye. This arrangement may cause the list to appear shorter
than in other works of the same kind; but in reality much more matter is contained within its
pages than would, from a hasty inspection, be supposed.
The Business Directory is regarded as a valuable feature of the work; and great pains have
been taken to give the avertisements a full display, that citizens and strangers may be able to dis-
tinguish at a glance the names, number, and variety of firms and occupation?, and the facilities
offered for trade. The gratuitous circulation of a large number of the Business Directory, through
the South and West, will, it is believed, add to the usefulness of the publication, by making known
in all directions the strong inducements offered to strangers by merchants, manufacturers, mechan-
ics, £c., to form business relations with our prosperous city.
It is also hoped that the brief sketch of the progress of Baltimore, from its settlement to the
present time, may prove an acceptable addition in the view of those interested in the prosperity
of the city, and desirous of tracing its rapid improvement and anticipating its future increase in
wealth and population.
Of the importance and utility of a work like the present, especially to a large and growing city,
placed in advantageous competition with other prominent marts in different parts of the country,
it can not be necessary to speak. Of the difficulties encountered in the attempt to render such a
publication accurate and complete in all its departments, no one can conceive who has not, like
the subscriber, become connected with such a labor. No exertion has been spared, on his part, to
render the Directory, in all respects, worthy the approbation of the public ; to whose patronage it
is now respectfully commended, with the assurance that, should the enterprise be received with
favor, it will be continued at a proper period, with every correction and improvement which time
and circumstances may render necessary, and which the experience acquired in the preparation
of this edition may suggest. JOHN MURPHY.
BALTIMORE, April, 1845.