Wilson L., tavern keeper, 3 Cheapside.
— Jonathan M., slave dealer, 13 Lovely lane.
— &. Co., lott. & exch. dealers, 8 N. Calvert.
—— & Marshall, boot &, shoe mak's, 66 W. Pratt.
— Mrs. Ann, seamstress, 107 Hill st.
— Thomas, laborer, 50 Hill st.
— Henry, weaver, 55 Preston st.
— George, butcher, 183 Penna. av.
— James, shoemaker, 160 S. Strawberry al.
—— John H., dry goods mer., 33 W. Balto, st.
Wilt Michael, carter, 191 S. Cove st.
Winans Ross, iron founder Sc locomotive engine
builder, McHenry al. near Poppleton St., h.
255 Fayette st.
Wimpsett Robert W., painter, 29 McHenry st.
Winchester Alex., flour mer., 84 Spear's whf.
—— Samuel C., gent's furnishing store, 165 W.
Baltimore st., h. 98 S. Charles st.
—— Samuel, lottery &. exchange dealer, 129 W.
Balto, c. North st., h. 79 N. Charles st.
—— , Irwin & Co., dry goods mers., 294 W.
Baltimore st.
—— Wm., supt. Water Co., 97 N. Charles st.
—— Mrs. Deborah, 52 Stiles st.
Winebeck Ernst, laborer, 8 Douglass st.
Wing Miss, teacher, rear of 1st Eng. Lutheran
church, Lexington near Howard st.
Wingate Capt. Thomas, 186 Ann st.
—— Mrs. Sarah, washerwoman, 63 N.Schroeder
—— John H., ladies' shoemaker, 129 York st.
Wininger Mrs. Mary, meal seller, 164 Fleet st.
Winkelman Fred., city well digger, 145 Con way
—— John, well digger, 117 S. Green st.
Winkler Mrs. Catharine, 64 Granby st.
Winn Christopher, clock and watch maker, 19
W. Pratt st.
—— Mrs. Susan, 194 Franklin st.
—— Wm. & Co., grocers & produce mers., 15
Franklin st.
—— Wm., of firm, h. 148 Franklin st.
Winsett John, shoemaker, 172 S. Howard st.
Winslow John, collector, 194 Fleet st.
Winter Joseph, clothier, 15 Fell st.
—— Mrs. Mary, board, house, 106 Mulberry st
—— Samuel, carpenter, c. Hanover St. Hill sts
h. 217 Hanover st.
Winterbotham Thos., ship sawyer, 215 E. Lom-
bard st.
Winters James, grocer, 7 S. Caroline st.
Winding Jacob, grocer, 337 Lexington st.
Winton Burr, carpenter, 100 W. Madison st.
Wirgman & Hopkins.com. mers., 65 W.Lombard
—— Charles, of firm, h. 43 Courtland st.
Wirt Dr. Wm., 54 Lexington st.
—— John, cooper, 42 Burgundy al.
Wirts George, carpet weaver, 35 Camden st.,
131 York st.
—— Michael, frame maker, 37 Camden st.
Wise Anthony, carpenter, 166 N. High st.
—— J. J. & B., piano manuf., 10 N. Charles s
—— John J., of firm, h. rear of 12 Light st.
—— McKeil T., of firm, h. 9 St. Paul st.
—— George, ready mixed paint store, 83 Pitt
—— George, 55 French st.
—— John, ship joiner, 108 N. Strawberry al.
—— Mrs. Elizabeth, 27 Grant st.
Wisebaugh Benjamin, bricklayer, 76 N. Straw
berry alley.
—— Martin, paver, 126 Orleans st.
—— Wm., paver, 151 Orleans st.
Wisebeck Henry, bootmaker, 149 W. Lomhard
Wiseman Charles, druggist, 540 W. Balto, st.
Wiseman Henry, shoemaker, 94 Harford av.
—— & Wroth, druggists, 10 Light st.
Wisong &. Kettlewell, druggists, 13 Cheapside.
—— Wm. A., of firm, h. 105 S. Exeter st.
W'issel George, huckster, 115 N. Paca st.
Withington &. Eastman, com. mers., 85 Bow-
ly's wharf.
—— H., of firm h. 60 Saratoga st.
Vitman George, conveyancer, 61 Fayette st., h.
77 Camden st.
Witmer John, 137 Pine st.
Wittenbecher D., boot and shoe maker and gro-
cer, c. Forrest and Monument sts.
Wittig Conrad, mer. tailor, 18 Light st.
Witts Philip, shoemaker, 104 N. Caroline st.
—— Daniel, ladies' shoemaker, 187 E. Balto, st.
—— Charles, harness maker, 102 Thames st.
Wode Henry, boot and shoe maker, 153 E. Bal-
timore st.
—— Charles, stone mason, 6 Water st.
Woel per Benjamin F., block and pump maker,
S Gough st.
Wolcott Wm. K., daguerreotype room, 217 W.
Baltimore st.
Woldman & Baseler, tobacconists, 181 N. Exeter.
Wolf Henry, boot and shoe maker, 141 W.
Lombard st.
—— Samuel, dry goods mer., 125 N. High st.
—— F. A., milliner, 7 Mercer st.
—— Wm. H., tinner, 120 S. Canal st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 122 S. Canal st.
—— Henry, 140 Columbia st.
—— E., grocer, c. Potter and Gay sts.
Wolfe Aleceus B., att'y, 60 Fayette st., h. 112
Mulberry st.
—— Mrs. Ellen, 2 State st.
—— T. Jefferson, pump maker, c. Saratoga and
State sts., h. 51 Pine st.
—— S., dry goods mer., 73 N. Gav st.
—— Eibert, carpenter, 127 S. Bond st.
—— Moses, 197 S. Bond st.
—— John, shopkeeper, 122 Lancaster st.
—— John, clerk, 12 N. Caroline st.
—— John H., saddler, 41 E. Monument st.
Wolfrom Caspar, shoemaker, 47 Bank st.
—— John, laborer, 60 Argyle alley.
Wollelt John P., livery stable, Temple n. Pitt st.,
h. 41 Pitt st.
—— George J., dye wood manuf., 25 Rock st.
Wolsieffer Philip M., professor of music, 181 N.
High st.
Wonder John, tailor, 5 Wagon alley.
Wonderly John, china, glass and qucensware
mer., 47 South st.
—— Wm. S., china, glass and queensware mer.,
94 N. Gay st.
Wood Oliver, grocer, 248 Broadway.
—— Augustus P., mariner, 55 Philpot st.
—— John, boot and shoe maker, 166 German st.
—— Levin, shoemaker, 160 Aisquith st.
—— Joshua, shoemaker, 98 Orleans st.
—— John, boot and shoe maker, 33 N. Green st.
—— Dr. J. B., 23 Courtland st.
—— Wm., carter 138 S. Eutaw st.
—— Samuel, of James, h. 168 S. Paca st.
—— Charles, brickmaker, 82 Hill st.
—— Thomas H., carpenter, 69 York st.
—— Wm., Jr., 272 W. Pratt st.
—— Nicholas L., brickmaker, 36 S. Green st.
Woodall Wm., pump maker, 15 Constitution st.
Woodhurn Capt. John, 258 Ann st.
Woodcock Wm., watchmaker, 187 W. Pratt st.