Williams Lewis H., bricklayer, 177 Park at.
— Nathaniel F., com. met., 14 Bowly's whf.,
h. 94 N. Charles st.
—— & Houlton, grocers, c. Forrest & Hillen sts.
—— Samuel, of firm, h. 157 N. Gay st.
—— Isaac, ornamental painter, 34 Maiden la.
—— Mrs. Esther, 56 Jefferson st.
—— John M., Thompsonian practitioner, 20 E.
Baltimore st.
—— Mrs. Sophia, dress maker, 133 E. Balto. Et.
—— Mrs. Ann, 147 Low st.
—— Samuel, oyster dealer, 126 N. Caroline st.
—— Bennet, oyster dealer, 3 Concord st.
—— George W., att'y, 7 Court House lane.
—— Henry, mathematical instrument maker, 21
Haw st.
—— Mrs. Ann, 67 E. Monument st.
—— Jacob S., 4 Collins' court.
—— Wm., laborer, 207 Peirce st.
—— M., laborer, 60 Mulberry st.
—— Mrs. Sarah, 112 E. Madison st.
—— Peter, grocer, c. Ross and Orchard sts.
—— Adelia, 46 Lewis st.
Williamson Angus, coach maker, 11 L. Water
st., b. 19 New Church st.
—— John, carpenter, 40 Maiden lane.
—— James P., druggist, c. Gay & High sts.
—— Isaac, grocer and flour mer., 66 N. Paca st
—— Alexander, ship carpenter, 8 Aigyle alley
—— Andrew, weaver, 46 Preston st.
—— James, laborer, 114 Pitt st.
—— Charles A., dry goods importer, 245 W
Baltimore st., h. 71 N. Charles st.
Williar Andrew, currier, 194 Lexington st., h
63 N. Green st.
Willie &, Dickey, importers of German goods
234 W. Baltimore st.
—— Charles, of firm, h. 67 N. Eutaw st.
Willig George, Jr., music dealer, 197 W. Balto
st., h. 46 Lexington st.
—— Frederick, laborer, 35 N. Canal st.
Willing Mrs. Mary, board, house. 66 N. Front
Willis Mrs. Mary, board, house, 33 N. Paca st.
—— Lewis C., 77 S. Paca st.
—— Cornelius L., ship joiner, 146 Ann st.
—— Capt. Henry, 182 Ann st.
—— George, fisherman, 38 Cross st.
—— Salisbury, clerk, 35 N. Caroline st.
—— Martin, sail maker, 237 Pitt st.
—— John T., carpenter, 165 E. Madison st.
Wills Mary Ann, grocer, 43 N. Frederick st.
—— John, gardener, 118 N. Eutaw st.
—— Thomas B., tin plate &. sheet iron worke
180 E. Baltimore st.
Willson Ann, 133 Wilk st.
—— James, 67 Richmond st.
Wilmer John W., com. mer., 5 Bowly's whf.
h. 116 Hanover st.
—— James C., carpenter, 259 E. Monument s
—— Wm., hatter, 316 E. Monument st.
Wilmot John G., upholsterer and paper hange
96 W. Baltimore st.
Wilson Peregrine T., magistrate, 8 Holliday st
h. 173 N. High st.
—— Thomas, laborer, 11 Slemmer's alley.
—— Joshua, carpenter, 63 Potter st.
—— John, baker, 23 East st.
—— Henry, brickmaker, 229 Aisquith st.
—— Mrs. Priscilla, 12 N. Exeter st.
—— James G., distiller, 176 N: Exeter st.
—— Capt. Francis W., 65 S. Caroline st.
—— Samuel, carpenter, 205 Broadway.
Wilson Mrs. Jane, tailoress, 262 Alice Anna st.
—— Barbara, 139 Wilk st.
—— & Marshall, boot and shoe makers, 19 E.
Pratt st
—— Archibald, of firm, h. c. Pratt &, President.
—— Thomas, seaman, 213 Ann st.
—— Mrs. Ann, 59 German st.
—— James, collector, 103 Pitt st.
—— Robert, deputy sheriff, 166 Aisquith st.
—— Rachel, 16 Orleans st.
—— Elvira, 16 Orleans st.
—— Mrs. J., 40 E. Baltimore st.
—— George, ornamental painter, 5 Young st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 8 Harford av.
—— Mrs. Ann, huckster, 51 York av.
—— John N., ornamental painter, 37 Ensor st.
—— Mrs. Isabella, meal seller, 37 Ensor st.
—— Wm. M., carpenter, 2S Balderston st., h.
40 Albemarle st.
—— & Co., shipping mers., 62 S. Gay st.
—— Thomas, of firm, h. 15 Lexington st.
—— Wm. St Sons, shipping mers., 135 W.Balto.
—— James, of firm, h. 20 Holliday st.
—— David S., of firm, h. 47 N. Charles st.
—— Mrs. Thomas, 41 Lexington st.
—— Dr. Wm. T., 41 Lexington st.
—— Elislia T., dentist, 201 Fayette st.
—— G. B. &. Co., flour and com. mers., 90 &. 92
S. Charles st.
—— Greenbury B., of firm, h. 30 St. Paul st.
—— Luther, of firm, h. 80 Pearl st.
—— R..Y., firm of Wylie &. Wilson, h. 26 N.
Eutaw st.
—— H. C., mer. tailor, 44 N. Eutaw st., h. 52
Pine st.
—— Andrew F., carpenter, 56 N. Eutaw st.
—— James, confectioner, 64 N. Eutaw st.
—— Benjamin, firm of Eicbelberger & Wilson,
h. 186 Franklin st.
—— Wm., huckster, 288 Franklin st.
—— Wm., grocer, 107 Franklin st., h. 256 Sar-
atoga st.
—— J. Stewart, teller Mechanics' Bank, h. 296
Lexington st.
—— Thomas, dry goods mer., 2 Marsh Market
space, h. 17 N. Front st.
—— James, grocer and flour mer., 141 N. How-
ard St., h. 195 N. Howard st.
—— Andrew, carpenter, 248 N. Howard st.
—— James, agt. Pittsburg Transportation Line,
181 N. Howard St.
—— Charles, 13 S. Eutaw st.
—— Wm., currier, 55 S. Paca st.
—— Mrs. Eleanor, 121 S. Paca st.
—— John W., carpenter, 135 S. Paca st.
—— & Hopkins, grocers and com. mers., 71
Bowly's whf.
—— Joseph C., of firm, h. 73 E. Balto, st.
. —— Joseph B., 160 S. Charles st.
—— Mrs.Wm., 24 Hanover st.
—— John, erocer, 14 W. Baltimore st.
—— John E., grocer, 36 W. Balto, st.
—— Samuel, painter, 71 Hollins st.
—— Wm. H., clerk, 124 E. Baltimore st.
—— John T., 58 Lee st.
—— Thomas, clothier, 134 W. Pratt st.
—— Joseph G., iron founder, 304 W. Pratt si.,
h. 92 Dover st.
—— James S., late iron founder, 61 Hollins st.
—— Solomon, iron founder, 83 Hollins st.
—— Richard, laborer, 25 Carpenters alley.
— Wm., carpenter, 29 Perry st.