In 1801, a society was formed to dispense medicines to the poor without
charge, which, in 1807, was incorporated as the Baltimore General Dispen-
sary. In 1803, the Right Rev. Bishop Carroll and others procured a charter
for Baltimore College, which was established in Mulberry street. In 1804
St. Mary's College, which had been established in 1791, was much improver
and a handsome Gothic church added to the establishment. In 1805, a new
Court House was commenced on North Calvert street. It was finished
1809. when the old arched Court House was taken down. On the 6th of
July, 1806, the foundation of the Roman Catholic Cathedral was laid. The
business of the city received a check in 1807, from the general embargo,
which continued till March 16th, 1809. During this year, Drs. Davidge,
Shaw, and Cocke were authorized to raise funds by lottery to erect buildings
for a medical college. The college in Lombard street was at once begur
under the superintendence of R. C. Long, architect; though not complete
till 1812. About the year 1808, several companies were organized for the
manufacture of domestic goods on the streams in the neighborhood of the city
In 1809, a public fountain was erected by the corporation on North Calvert
street. Eight years after, the city purchased and improved the springs in the
south and east parts of the city, and placed a fountain, supplied by the Water
Company, at the head of the Centre Market. In this year, the three great
turnpikes, authorized by the act of 1787, were completed, having cost about
a million and a half of dollars. It was in this year also, that James A. Bu-
chanan and others obtained permission to raise $100,000, to erect a monumen
to the memory of Washington. It was at first intended that it should occupy
the site of the old Court House, in what is now called Monument Square; but
the design was afterwards changed, from an apprehension that so lofty a
column might expose the neighboring houses to danger from lightning, and an
eligible site, at the intersection of Charles and Monument streets, was given
by Col. John E. Howard. The base of this beautiful column is fifty feet
square, and twenty feet high ; the column, one hundred and sixty feet, and the
statue, thirteen feet... On the four sides of the base are inscriptions, indicating
the dates of important events in the life of the Father of his Country. In
1810. there were, according to the census, 46,555 inhabitants.
In 1811, Mr. Hezekiah Niles established "the Weekly Register," a most
valuable publication, still in existence and conducted by Mr. Jeremiah Hughes.
In 1812, an unhappy affray occurred in consequence of excitement against the
editors of the " Federal Republican;" in which several persons were killed
and some wounded. Several gentlemen of the city took commissions in the
army, as soon as war was declared against England, and a number of priva-
teers was fitted out. In 1813, the first steamboat, called the Chesapeake, was
Eut on the line to Philadelphia, via French Town. On the 16lh of May, was
lid the corner stone of the Masonic Hall, with appropriate ceremonies. On
the 12th of September, 1814, was fought the battle of North Point, the par-
ticulars of which are already familiar to every citizen. On the 12th of Sep-
tember, 1815, the foundation stone of the "Battle Monument," in honor of
those who fell at North Point in the defence of the city, was laid on the site of
the old Court House, and where it had been first intended to place the Wash-
ington Monument.
In 1815, an incorporated company commenced the erection of the Ex-
change, fronting on Gay, Water and Second streets. It is a large, com-
modious building, occupied by Banks, &c., and having the Exchange Hall in
the centre. In 1816, the Gas Company erected their works on the corner of
North and Saratoga streets. At the session of this year, the limits of the city
were extended, so as to take in the old precincts and form a parallelogram,