Royston John W. & Bro:, dry goods mers., 68
W. Baltimore st.
—— Mrs. Clara, 63 W. Baltimore st.
—— Joshua & Co., dry goods mers., 83 W. Bal-
timore St.
—— Joshua, of firm, h. 79 Camden st.
Huark Edward W., ship carpenter, 82 Henrietta.
—— Alexander, 24S Wilk st.
—— Henry, laborer, 59 N. Caroline st.
Hubert Conrad, wheelwright, 708 W. Baltimore.
Ruckle Thomas C., portrait painter, 203 W.
Baltimore St., h. 5 Clay st.
—— Wm., oak cooper, 119 N. Paca st.
—— Mrs. Mary Ann, 79 Conway st.
— Jesse, seaman, 98 S. Eulaw st.
—— Nicholas D., mer. tailor, 360 W. Baltimore
St., h. 84 Conway st.
—— Paul, 106 S. Sharp st.
—— Thomas, painter, 117 N. Eden st.
—— Mrs. Ruth, over 325 W. Baltimore st.
Ruddach, Mrs. Rebecca, 96 S. Sharp st.
Rudolph Martin, engineer, 42 York st.
Ruff John, hat manuf., Davis st. near Lexington
st., h. 65 North st.
Ruffner Peter, watchmaker, 205 Alice Anna st.
Ruley Peregrine W., butcher, 177 Ann st.
—— Henry, police officer, 176 Bank st.
Rumney Mrs. Jane, 159 Conway st.
Rundell Wm., shoemaker, 82 York st.
Rundle Joseph, butcher, 202 Light st.
Rupert Joseph, cooper, 139 Conway it.
—— Wm., oilcloth maker, 133 Orleans st.
Rupp G., house and sign painter, 12 George st.
Rusk Win., butcher, 180 Pitt st.
—— Jacob R., butcher, 236 Pitt st.
—— Levi, bricklayer, 101 Hollins st.
—— Jefferson, butcher, c. Balto, and Choptank.
—— Robert, butcher, 43 York avenue.
—— John, butcher, 87 York avenue.
Ruskell John, grocer, 117 Lexington st.
Russell Mrs. Mary, drug store, c. Liberty and
Lexington sts., h. 35 Union st.
—— Michael, carpenter, 134 Pine st.
—— &, Co., dry goods mers., 14 Marsh Mar. sp.
—— Henry, tavern, 125 N. Howard st.
—— Joseph, tin plate manuf., 16 N. Howard st.
—— Wm., plasterer, 34 S. Entaw st.
—— Mercer & Co., comb add variety store, 292
W. Baltimore st.
—— Thomas, of firm, 95 S. Paca st.
—— . John, furniture store, 54 S. Charles st.
— James, iron and brass founder, c. Thames
and Fell sts., h. 262 Ann st.
—— Robert, milkman, 113 Wilk st.
—— Capt. George W., 47 Stiles st.
—— George, carriage maker, 7 N. Caroline st.
—— Henry J., boot and shoe maker, 513 W.
Baltimore st.
—— Warner, boot & shoe mak,, 436 W, Balto.
—— Alexander, Sr., keeper of powder house,
h. 67 Lee st.
—— Alexander, Jr., firm of Burns & Russell,
20 Columbia st.
—— Joseph, 123 S. Sharp st.
—— Christopher, laborer, 21 Armistead lane.
—— Mrs. Ruth Anne, 340 N. Howard st.
— Henry, tinner, 239 Forrest st.
—— John, tailor, 90 Harford avenue.
—— George, iron moulder, 63 Harford avenue.
Rust Samuel, boot and shoe maker, 41 Ensor st.
—— George, firm of Watkins, Dungan & Rust
h. 105 N. Charles st.
Rutchings Nicholas, 152 East st.
Ruth John, bricklayer, 70 Raborg st.
—— Jacob, cabinetmaker, 209 S. Caroline st.
Rutlidge Mrs. Louisa, 127 S. Spring st.
Rutt Richard, mathematical instrument maker,
105 Thames st.
—— R. S., engraver, 105 Thames st.
Rutter T. G., seer. Firemen's Insurance Co.,
13S Hanover st.
—— Thomas B., cashier Farmers' and Planters'
Bank, 17 South st.
—— John H., carpenter, 89 Lancaster st., h.
228 Fleet st.
—— Edward, sail maker, 134 S. Green st.
—— John, laborer, 55 N. Poppleton st.
—— D. McL., att'y, Law Buildings, St. Paul st.
Ryan Henry, grocer, 118 North st.
——— Wm., tailor, 1S3 East st.
—— Wm. G., block and pump maker, 82 Ann.
—— Francis, chandler, 205 Ann st.
Ryder S., second hand dealer, 74 Lancaster st.
Ryland Samuel S., boot and shoe maker, 863
Franklin st.
SACHERMAN Lewis, clothier, 159 Wolf st.
Sadler Capt. Henry, 91 York av.
—— Susan, 35 Ensor st.
—— Wm., tobacconist, 156 Light st.
Sadtler Wm., firm of Rau &. Sadtler, h. 271 N.
Howard st.
—— Philip & Son, opticians, watchmakers and
jewellers, 212 W. Baltimore st.
Saenger George, porter, 165 Raborg st.
Sagerman Henry, seaman, 142 Fleet st.
—— M., grocer, c. Potter and Douglass sts.
Sailor John, carpet weaver, 15 N. Front st.
Saint Meyer John M., hatter, 26 St. Mary st.
Salgee John, chemist, 127 Columbia st.
Salgues John B., saddler, 31 Lee st.
Salisbury James, wood dealer, 76 Hamburg st.
— Samuel, cabinet maker, 67 Burgundy al.
—— James, milkman, 151 Ensor st.
Salmon &. Small, dry goods mers., 221 W. Balto.
—— Anthony, laborer, 81 York st.
Sampson John, tavern keeper, 315 S. Bond st.
Sanders E. J. & Co., grocers & com. mers., 40
S. Frederick st.
—— E. J., of firm, h. 21 N. High c. Pitt st.
—— Beverly C., firm of Davidson &. Sanders, h
56 St. Paul st.
—— George, firm of Wm. H. Beatty & Co., h.
54 S. High st.
— Thomas, grocer, 276 E. Monument st.
—— John W., printer, 26 Fayette st.
Sanderson George H., clerk, 81 N. High st.
—— Henry S., office 55 S. Gay st., h. 85 N. High
Sandier George W., grocer, 61 S. Eutawst.
Sands Samuel, copperplate printer, 75 W. Balti-
more St., h. 39 Centre st.
—— Elizabeth, dressmaker, 39 Centre st.
—— Capt. R. S., 170 Wolf st.
—— Samuel, book and job printer, over N. W
c. Balto. & North sis., h. 6 East st.
Sanford James, 45 N. Exeter st.
—— Capt. Alfred, 187 Ann st.
—— Abraham, pawnbroker, 49 N. Eutaw st.,
h. 99 Biddle st.
Sangston & Co., dry goods mere., 269 W. Balto
—— James A., of firm, h. 82 Fayette st.
—— George E., of firm, h. 31 Conway st.