Rogers Mrs. James, 61 Barry st.
— M. W., firm of J. H. Duvall & Co,, h. 124
S. Sharp st
— Mrs. Mary, boarding house, 47 St. Paul st.
—— John H., 69 St. Paul st.
—— &. McGraw, iron mers., 35 Cheapside.
—— Mrs. Frances; dress maker, 88 N. Calvert.
— Wm., fisherman, 5 W. Falls av.
—— Henry J., supt. H. S. Telegraph, h. 24 Co-
lumbia st.
— Joseph, Jr., fruit dealer and confectioner,
322 W. Baltimore St., h. 154 S. Sharp st.
—— G. Jr., com. mer., 81 Bowly's wharf.
—— Mrs. Mary Ann, teacher, 46 N. High st.
—— George W., 16 Aisquith st.
— Mrs. Hannah, 20 Aisquith st.
—— Mrs. Ann, 235 Aisquith st.
—— George, grocer, 224 S. Bond st.
—— Daniel, shoemaker, 268 Alice Anna st.
—— John, fisherman, 5 Granby st.
—— George, fisherman, 9 Granby st.
—— Amey, mariner, 31 Holland st.
—— Isaac, lace & ribbon store, 81 W. Balto, st.
Rohr Leonard, cabinet maker, 45 Clay st.
—— Jacob, glass toy blower, 109 Orleans st.
Rohster David, confectioner and clothier, 137
Light st. wharf.
Roley Edward, sail maker, 77 S. High st.
Collins Win., shoemaker, 186 Hanover st.
—— James, blacksmith, 3 Richmond st.
—— Solomon A., grocer, 13 N. Eden st.
—— Wm., 71 S. Eden st
—— Frederick, huckster, 248 Pitt st.
Rollman Henry, baker, 153 E. Baltimore st.
—— Wm., baker, 117 N. Canal st.
—— Charles, baker, 337 S. Bond st.
Rolloson Hugh, bacon mer., 409 W. Balto, st.
—— Wm. H. & F., bacon mere., 28 N. Paca st.
and 55 S. Calvert St.
—— Wm. H., of firm, h. 21 Columbia st.
Romoser Jacob, tailor, 29 Peach alley.
—— John, tavern, 22 N. Green st.
Romwelt Thomas, painter, 103 Low st.
Roney Edward, blacking maker, 34 Harrison st.
—— John, clerk, 82 Wilk st.
Ronsaville David C., carpenter, 146 McHenry st.
Rooke Mrs. Mary, 111 Bank st.
Rooker Samuel, hatter, 143 N. Exeter st.
Rooney James, porter, 33 S. Gay st.
Roop Jacob, carpenter, 48 St. Mary st.
Root Wm., blacksmith, 27 York- avenue.
Roper Edward, painter, 215 Fleet st.
Ropes Archer, att'y, 3 Court House lane.
Roschen John, clerk, 48 N. Canal st.
Rose Hugh R., confectioner, 172 Pitt st.
—— Peter, boot and shoemaker, 112 N. Gay st.
—— Wm. H., prop. American Republican Head
Quarters, 18 N. Gay st.
—— Simeon L., carpenter, 70 Ross st.
—— Peyton R., bookbinder, 27 Pine st.
—— , Merrill & Dodge, com. mers., 71 Smith's
—— Isaac L., shoemaker, 38 York st.
—— George, butcher, 382 Light st.
—— Jacob, shoemaker, 33 Henrietta st.
—— Henry, mariner, 250 Alice Anna st.
—— Dr. John, Thompsonian practitioner, 227
W. Pratt st.
Rosel Moses B., grocer, 196 S. Sharp st.
Rosemeyer Adam, carpet weaver, 190 E. Pratt.
Rosenberg A. & Siegel, dry goods men., 107 N.
Gay st.
Rosenberry John, grocer, 174 S. Howard st.
Rosenburg Lewis, clothier, 119 N.. Howard st
Rosenfeld Moses, carter, 199 Broadway.
— Meyer, grocer, 247 Ann st.
— Simon & Co., tavern, 53 Thames st
Rosenfelt Abraham, grocer, 98 N. Eden st.
Rosengarn Garrett, saddle and harness mak.. 294
W. Pratt st.
Rosensteel Joseph, grocer, 161 Penna. avenue.
—— S. T., painter, 71 Park st.
—— George T., dealer in milinery goods, 244
Lexington st.
Rosenstock Levi, clothier, 42 W. Pratt st., h. 20
Stiles st.
—— David, grocer, 204 S. Bond st.
—— G., dry goods mer... 229 Broadway.
Rosenswig Bennet, bonnet bleacher and presser,
69 S. Charles st.
—— E., straw bonnet maker, 80 Lexington st.
Rosenthal Louis, teacher, 157 Apple alley.
—— &. Moser, lace dealers, 178 W. Pratt st.
—— Simon, of firm, h. 178 W. Pratt st.
Roset . Wm. A., umbrella maker, 268 N. Gay st.
Ross & Garrett, flour mers., c. Lombard &. Hol-
lingsworth sts.
—— George, boot & shoe mak., 225 S. Charles.
—— Mary Ann, shopkeeper, 46 S. Charles st.
—— Adam, grocer, 15 W. Baltimore st, and 1
Marsh Market space.
—— Benjamin C., over c. Baltimore st and
Marsh Market space.
—— Daniel, comb maker, 81 Columbia st
—— John, leather dealer, 7 Cheapside.
—— James, shoemaker, 107 N. Calvert st.
—— Mrs. Sarah, 14 N. Front st.
—— Leroy C., comb maker, 273 Saratoga st.
—— Charles H., com. mer., 90 Dugan's wharf.
—— David, saddler, 250 N. Howard st.
—— & Vickers, house painters, 24 S. Frederick.
—— Wm. H., morocco dressers, 141 N. Highst.
—— John, 196 Fleet st
—— Edward, laborer, 17 Buren st.
Rossiter Mrs. Cecilia, tavern, 52 Light st.
Roswag Gotfried, tailor, 183 S. Sharp st.
Roswald Judah, grocer, So Orleans st.
Roszel S. C., principal E. Baltimore Institute, 3
Salisbury st, h. 75 Pitt st.
—— S. McK., teacher E. Baltimore Institute,
h. 35 Granby st.
—— Mrs. Sophronia, institute for young ladies,
19 N. High st.
Roten John Wesley, shoemaker, 83 York st
—— Wm., shoemaker, 168 N. Cove st.
Rothrock John, tin aud sheet iron worker, 369
W. Baltimore st., h. 172 German st
Rottjer R. J., tavern, 137 Thames st.
Rountree Dr. Thomas W., 213 N. Gay st.
—— John, music teacher, 118 Pitt st.
Rous Philip, shoemaker, 214 N. Eden st.
—— Mrs. Nancy, 30 Pearl at.
—— Josephus S., carpenter, 58 Pearl st.
—— John G., boot & shoe mak., 56 N. Howard.
Rouse Benjamin, rope maker, 49 Apple alley.
—— James, bricklayer, 3 Philpot st.
Rowe Spencer, Sr., broom and wooden ware
dealer, 68 S. Cal vert st.
—— Joseph, currier, 64 S. Eden st.
—— John, 202 Biddle st
—— Wm., shoemaker, 228 E. Lombard st
Rowland Christ'r, worsted manuf., 59 N. Exeter.
Rowles John R., grocer, c. Mulberry and Paca,
1 Roycroft Charles &., mariner, 241 8. Bond st.