RESOLUTION explaining the relations of Mary-
land with the Federal Government.
WHEREAS, In the judgment of the General As-
sembly of Maryland, the war now waged by the
Government of the United States upon the people
of the Confederated States, is unconstitutional in its
origin, purposes and conduct, repugnant to civiliza-
tion and sound policy; subversive of the free prin-
ciples upon which the Federal Union was founded,
and certain to result in the hopeless and bloody
overthrow of our existing institutions; and
WHEREAS, The people of Maryland, while recog-
nizing the obligations of their State, as a member
of the Union, to submit in good faith to the exer-
cise of all the legal and constitutional powers of
the General Government, and to join as one man
in fighting its authorized battles, do reverence
nevertheless, the great American principle of self-
government and sympathize deeply with their
Southern brethren in their noble and manly deter-
mination to uphold and defend the same; and
WHEREAS, Not merely on their own account, to
turn away from their own soil the calamities of
civil war, but for the blessed sake of humanity,
and to arrest the wanton shedding of fraternal
blood, in a miserable contest which can bring
nothing with it but sorrow, shame and desolation,
the people of Maryland are enlisted with their
whole hearts, upon the side of reconciliation and
Now therefore, it is hereby resolved by the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, That the State of Ma-
ryland, owes it to her own self-respect and her respect
for the Constitution, not less than to her deepest and
most honorable sympathies, to register this, her sol-
emn protest, against the war which the Federal Gov-
ernment has declared upon the Confederate States of
the South, and our sister and neighbor Virginia,
to announce her resolute determination to have no
part or lot, directly or indirectly, in its prosecution.
Resolved, That the State of Maryland, earnestly
Assented to
May 14, 1861.