RESOLUTION appointing Commissioners to the
President in relation to the occupation of the soil
of Maryland by Federal troops.
Resolved by the House of Delegates of Maryland,
(the Senate concurring, That Otho Scott, R. M.
McLane, and William J. Ross, be, and they are
hereby appointed Commissioners on the part of the
State of Maryland, to communicate immediately
in person with the President of the United States,
in regard to the present and any proposed prospective
military use or occupation of the soil and property
of the State, by the General Government, and they
are directed to ascertain and report to the Gene-
ral Assembly forthwith, for its consideration, wheth-
er any becoming arrangements with the General Gov-
ernment are practicable in that connection, for the
maintenance of the peace and honor of the State,
and the security of its inhabitants.
Assented to
May 2, 1861.