CHAP. 93.
Passed Aug
7, 1861.
AN ACT to pay a certain sum of money to Thom-
as K. Robson, for advertising Division Brigade
and Regimental orders in the "Easton Star. "
to pay.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
ef Maryland, That the Treasurer, on the warrant
of the Comptroller, be, and he is hereby directed to
pay Thomas K. Robson, the sum of fifty-two dol-
lars, for advertising Division, Brigade and Regi-
mental orders in the "Easton Star. "
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
Passed Aug.
7, 1861.
AN ACT to change the name of the Farmers and
Merchants Steam Boat Company of Nanticoke
river to the Individual Enterprise Company.
Act amend-
SECTION 1. He it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the act passed by the General
Assembly of this State at the January session of
the year 1854, chapter 264, entitled, an act to incor-
porate the Farmers and Merchants Steam Boat
Company of Nanticoke river, be and the same is
hereby amended so as to change and alter that
name of design ation wherever it may occur in the
said Bill, and substitute therefor the name and de-
signation of "The Indi vidual Enterprize Company; "
which last name said company is 'hereby authoris-
ed to have, assume and use in all its corporate
transactions and acts, in the same manner, for the
like purposes and to the same extent in all respects
under that chapter, as if the said "The Individual
Enterprize Company, " had been therein originally
incorporated under the name and designation now
given to it.