CHAP. 63.
so offending shall be imprisoned not exceeding ten
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the day of its passage.
Passed June
18. 1861.
AN ACT to legalize and make valid the acts, do-
ings and proceedings of the Burgess and Com-
missioners of Uniontown, in Carroll county.
WHEREAS doubts have arisen in regard to the le-
gality of the acts, doings and proceedings of the
Burgess and Commissioners of Uniontown, in
Carroll county, because the election for said Bur-
gess and Commissioners, was not held on the
first Monday of April, as required by the eighty-
third section of Article seventh of the Code of
Public Local Laws, relating to Carroll county,
Made valid.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That all the acts, doings and proceed-
ings of the Burgess and Commissioners of Union-
town, in Carroll county, be and the same are here-
by legalized and made as valid and effectual as if
the election for said Burgess and Commissioners
had been held as required by said section.
la force.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the day of its passage.