money, not exceeding one thousand dollars, to pay
for the erection or repairs of a bridge across the
Patuxent River, at Queen Anne.
SEC, 2. Be it enacted, That this act shall take ef-
fect from its passage.
CHAP. 41.
In force.
AN ACT to amend the fourth Article of the Code
of Public Local Laws by adding thereto the fol-
lowing sections, relating to the purchase and
government of Druid Hill and Patterson Parks,
belonging to the city of Baltimore,
Passed June
12, 1861.
SECTION 1.. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Park Commission provided
for under a resolution of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, approved June the fourth, eigh-
teen hundred and sixty, and acting under an ordi-
nance entitled, "An ordinance to provide for a Park
or Parks approved July twenty-first, eighteen
hundred and sixty, as well as under any future
ordinance of the said Mayor and City Council, " be
and they are hereby authorized to make from, time
to time suck rules and regulations for the govern-
ment and the preservation of order within the said
Parks, as they may deem expedient, declaring what
fines, not exceeding in any one case, one hundred
dollars, shall be imposed for breaches of said rules
and regulations, to be recoverable im the name of
the said Mayor and City Council as small debts are
recoverable before a Justice of the Peace of the
city of Baltimore, and appropriated to the purposes
of the said Parks.
Authority to
make rules.
SEC, 2, And be it enacted, That the members of
the said Park Commission, for the time being shall
have the power respectively of conservators of the
peace within the limits of said Parks.
tors of peace.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Board of
Police of the said city are hereby authorized on the
May detail
police force.