CHAP. 21.
Passed May
10, 1861.
AN ACT to authorize and empower John R. Miller,
Chief Bailiff of the town of Rockville, to collect
the taxes imposed by the Commissioners of said
Authority -to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John R. Miller, Chief Bailiff of
the town of Rockville, for the present year, be and
he is hereby authorized and empowered to collect
the taxes imposed by the Commissioners for said
town, and placed in the hands of James McNerha-
ny for collection, so far as the same remains uncol-
lected by said McNerhany, and the official bond of
said Miller shall be responsible for the collection
and payment over of said taxes, in the same man-
ner and to the same extent as if the same had gone
into his hands under an original assessment.
Authority to
appoint Col-
SECTION 2. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
Maryland, That in all cases hereafter when the of-
fice of Chief Bailiff of said town shall become va-
cant from death, resignation or removal, the com-
missioners of said town shall have authority to ap-
point some other person to complete the collection
of any uncollected taxes due said corporation, and
remaining uncollected, and the person so appointed
shall give a bond with security to be approved by
the said Commissioners for the faithful performance
of his duties; and it shall be his duty, and he shall
be authorized to collect all uncollected taxes due
the Commissioners, as if he were Chief Bailiff, and
shall pay the same to the Commissioners, on their
order within six months from the time of his ap-
In force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.