CHAP. 19.
and sixty-nine cents; to P. & A. T. Rice, one dol-
ar and twenty-five cents; to George L. Markell
& Co., fifty-five dollars and thirty-eight cents; to
William G. Cole, fifty dollars; to Jacob Riehl, five
dollars; to Ralph Basil, eight dollars; to Emanuel
Dadds, eight dollars; to Loats & Eichelberger, ten
dollars, and to G. S. Groshen, one dollar and
twenty-five cents, for services rendered and articles
furnished the. General Assembly of Maryland, at
the extra session thereof, held at Frederick city,
eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from, the date of its passage.
Passed May
11, 1861.
AN ACT appropriating a sum of money for the
payment of the Claims of John H. Keller, John
A. Steiner, and Lewis H. Bennett, Trustees of
Chippewa Tribe, No. 19, Improved Order of Red
Men, and Dr. Daniel Zacharias President of the
Council of the Evangelical Reformed Church.
Sum appro-
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sum of four hundred and
thirty-six dollars be and same is hereby appropria-
ted for the payment of the claims of John H.
Keller, John; A. Steiner and Lewis H. Bennett,
Trustees of Chippewa Tribe No. 19, Improved Or-
der of Red Men, for rent of Hall for use of the
Senate; for the payment of the claim of Dr. Daniel
Zacharias, President of the Council of the Evangeli-
cal Reformed Church, for rent of Hall and rooms,
for the use ef the House of Delegates and Library.
to pay.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer on
the warrant of the Comptroller be and he is hereby
authorised and directed to pay to John Keller,
John A. Steiner and Lewis H. Bennett, Trustees
of Chippewa Tribe, No. 19, Improved order of Red