AN ACT appropriating a sum of money for the
payment of the claims of John Murphy & Co.,
William S. Brown, A. H. Hunt, Henshaw &
Markey, Young Mens' Christian Association of
Frederick City, D. W. Brooks & Bro., John
Rhodes, William F. Johnson, Andrew Boyd,
George Rice, James Whitehill & Co., A. H.
Hunt, Alpheus H. Shaffner, Isabella Gas Co.,
Frederick Schroeder, Joseph Groff, William H.
Doub, Julius Krahe, Quynn & Ritter, Clark,
Albaugh & Co., George Hoskins, P. & A. T.
Rice, Geo. L. Markell & Co., William G. Cole,
Jacob Riehl, Ralph Basil, Emanuel Dadds,
Loats and Eichelberger, and G. S. Groshon.
CHAP. 18
Passed May
11, 1861.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Treasurer, upon the war-
rant of the Comptroller, be, and he is hereby au-
thorised and directed to pay to John Murphy &
Co., sixty-four dollars and forty-four cents, for
stationery furnished for use of the House of Dele-
gates, January session, eighteen hundred and sixty;
to William S. Brown, four dollars; to A. H. Hunt,
twelve dollars and twenty-three cents; to Hanshaw
& Markey, twenty-nine dollars and forty-two cents;
to Young Mens' Christian Association of Frederick
city, eight dollars; to D. W. Brooks & Bro., thir-
ty-nine dollars and seventy-five cents; to John
Rhodes, twenty-nine dollars and sixty-five cents;
to William F. Johnson, one dollar and forty-three
cents; to Andrew Boyd, thirty-four dollars and
sixty-four cents; to George Rice, seven dollars and
fifty cents; to James Whitehill & Co., sixty dol-
lars; to A. H. Hunt, three dollars and fifty cents;
to Alpheus H. Shaffner, ten dollars; to the Isabel-
la Gas Company, thirty dollars; to Frederick
Shroeder, thirty-four dollars; to Joseph Groff, three
dollars and seventy-five cents; to William H,
Doub, eighteen dollars; to Julius Krahe, one dol-
lar; to Quynn & Ritter, seven dollars and fifty
cents; to Clark, Albaugh & Co., eleven dollars and
eighty-eight cents; to George Hoskins, six dollars
Authority to