respectively, said bonds not to be disposed of at
less than par.
CHAP. 17.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That said bonds
shall be issued to mature at such dates as shall not
require the payment in any one year of more than
four thousand dollars of the principal sum thereof,
and that said bonds shall be redeemable with inter-
est at the pleasure of said County Commissioners,
at or before the maturity thereof.
Bonds to ma-
SEC. 4. And fie it further enacted, That said
County Commissioners shall annually levy upon
the assessable property of Frederick county, a tax
of three cents on every hundred dollars, and that
the money thus raised shall be known and kept as
the "Court House fund, " and shall be applied by
said County Commissioners to the payment of the
principal and interest of said bonds, as aforesaid,
and the cost of the Collector of said tax, and to no
other purpose, and that said tax shall be collected
as all other taxes.
Annual levy.
SEC. 5. And fie it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the day of its passage.
In force
AN ACT to repeal the nineteenth section of the
twenty-ninth Article of the Code of Public
General Laws, and the proviso to the thirty-
third section of the fifth Article of the said Code
relating to the stay of execution, and to extend
the time for enforcing the execution of judg-
Passed May
10, 1861.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the nineteenth section of the
twenty-ninth Article of the Code of Public General
Laws, and the proviso to the thirty-third section
of the fifth Article of said Code, be and the same