Cottrell W. painter, 19 Gibson st
Cottnnger Mrs. 89 Franklin st
Couchman George, carpenter, 147 Columbia st
Coughlan Edmund, between 121 and '3 Franklin st
Coughlan William, proprietor of bottling establishment, corner
Fayette and North sts. basement
Coulbourn & Ballard, grocers find commission merchants, Hol-
Collingsworth st. 1 door from Pratt
Couler Isaac, carpenter, 21 Richmond st
Coulson William R. glue manufacturer, 557 Saratoga st
Coulson James, glue manufacturer, 18 Hoffman st
Coulson & Co. wholesale druggists, 4 s Liberty st
Coulson Thomas, clerk, 81 Albemarle st
Coulston Andrew, rigger, 74 Argyle alley
Coulter John, collector, 15 Albermarle st
Coulter Samuel, tailor, 111 n Eutaw st
Coulter John, dry goods dealer, 120 Lexington st
Coulter Mrs. P. R S e Centre st
Coulter Mrs. Ann, 81 Jefferson st
Coulter Christopher, Harmony lane, between Fremont and Pop-
pleton sts
Coulter Mrs. Sarah, 150 s Eutaw st
Coulter Alexander, weaver, Harmony lane w of Poppleton st
Coulter John, teacher in public school, No 4, 263 Light St
Coulter John, laborer, 23 Richmond st
Council William, stone mason, 17 Stemmer's alley
Courtney James, laborer, 117 St. Paul st
Courtney E. S. firm Montell & Co. dw 127 Hanover st
Counselman George F. tailor, 434 w Baltimore st
Counselman Jacob, salt dealer, 1 Penn st
Counselman Charles, carpenter, 70 Hollins st
Count Mrs. Ann, 81 s High st
Countess Mrs Elizabeth, 57 Burgundy alley
Coupland & Grove, hatters, 40 Baltimore st
Coupland Richard, hatter, 308 Forrest st
Coupland W. S. lottery and exchange dealer, 26 w Pratt st dw
220 e Pratt st
Courtnay Miss Mary, dress maker, 104 n Calvert st
Court House, corner Calvert and Lexington sts
Courtenay David L. teller in Farmers' and Merchants' Rank,
103 Lexmgton st
Courtney Montell & Co. tobacco merchants, 65 s Gay st
Courtne.v E S. dw 127 Hanover st
Courtney James, laborer, L. Monument st. betw Eutaw and St.
Mary st
Courtney Thomas, teacher, 157 Bethel st
Cousey James, shoemaker, 180 Fremont st
Cousins John, coopcp, 25 President st. dw 107 s Eden st
Cove Benson, clerk orphans' court, dw 242 Lexington st
Covegrove Mr. 360 s Charles st
Covell Joel, breaksman, 482 w Lombard st
Covington iron manufacturing company, Spear's wharf
Covington H. carpenter, McCausland's yard, Holiday st, n of
Saratoga st. dw 21 Orleans st
Cowan William, 5 French st
Coward William, daguerian artist, 125 Baltimore st