said four Commissioners agreed with the said Charta Car-
roll esqr. on his own behalf and on behalf of bis brother
Daniel, then absent, to pay them the said Charles and Dan-
iel or their order, the sume of forty shillings, currant money
of Maryland, or else tobaoco, to be paid in the hands of the
Sherrif of Baltemore County at one penny per lb. until it
amounts to forty shillings value per acre to be paid by each
Purchaser of a Lott in the sd town, to the said Charles and
Daniel or their heirs and assignes.
Tbe same day the said Commissioners appointed the sec-
ond Munday of January, being the 12th day of January
next, to meet tbe Surveyor of Baltemore County on the
tract of land called Cole's Harbour; which is the land
pitched upon by the Assembly for the erection of Balte-
more Town aforesaid on, and there to give the said Survey-
or directions for laying out the said Town.
On Monday the 12th of January 1729 '30 then the fol-
lowing Commissioners for Baltemore Town mett on the
Tract of land called Cole's Harbour, on which the said
Town was designed, viz. William Buckner, William Ham-
mond, Richard Gist, Geo. Buchanan, Geo. Walker, and there
ordered the Surveyor of Baltemore County to runn out the
Town aforesaid, beginning at a locust post to be sett up on
a point of the said land, and running from the locust post
east 5 1/2 perches, north 21°, east 10 perches, north east 19
perches, north 69°, east 12 perches, north 72° 30', east 22
perches, south 55°, east 14 perches, south 75°, east 18
perches, south 53° 30', east 6 perches, north 86 perches
west 14 perches, south 6 perches, west 14 perches, south 4
perches, west 18 perches, noith 69°, west 22, north 20°,
west 26 perches, south 40°, west 46 p. south 50°, west 32 p.
south 30°, west 23 p. south 41°, 30', east 17 p. then to the
beginning, locust post, containing sixty acres of land to be
divided into sixty lotts with convenient streets and lanes.
On tbe same day, said Commissioners appointed George
Walker, being one of their number, for their Clerk, who
the following day was qualified befor Mr. Richard Gist, by
taking ane oath to make true and impartial entries of the
proceedings of tbe Commissioners for BaRemore Town, as
also the taking up the lotts thereof.
On Wednesday the 14th day of January 1729' 30, these
lotts were taken up as follows by tbe underwritten gentle-
men who secured their titles to the same by beginning and
finishing on their respective lotts, houses that covered at least
400 square feet of ground (as was required of the takers up of
lotts by Act of Assembly) within less that) eighteen months
after their taking them up, viz. Charles Carroll esqr. No.
49, Philip Jones, jr. No, 37, George Walker, No. 52, Jas.
Jackson, No. 38, Richard Gist, No. 48, William Hammond,
No, 45, Mordecai Price, No. 55, Christopher Gist, N. 56,