Brown Cornelius, grocer, Saratoga at near Pine
Brown Charles, coustable, 130 Sharp st
Brown J. T. 178 Sharp st
Brown, Mrs Mary M. teacher 111 s Sharp st
Brown Capt. Charles, 193 e Pratt st
Brown John, bridge builder, 115 e Baltimore st
Brown William, shoemaker, 87 Salisbury st
Brown James R. 59 Granby st
Brown Mrs. Mary, 120 Albemarle st
Brown Moses, teacher, 67 Albemarle st
Brown Henry A. confectioner, 10 s Caroline st
Brown John, 49 Broadway
Brown G. dry goods dealer, 223 Broadway
Brown Joseph, tailor, 9 Lloyd st
Brown Jesse, cigar maker, 126 Broadway
Brown William, lumber inspector, 140 Ann st
Brown Mrs Charlotte, 64 Happy alley
Brown Benjamin, laborer, 31 Argyle alley
Brown John, blacksmith, 83 Argyle alley
Brown George, manner, 111 Bank st
Brown Isaac, lumber merchant, 95 Eastern av
Brown William, tavern keeper, 131 Eastern avenue.
Brown Ann 151 Eastern avenue
Brown William, mariner, Washington st n of Bank
Brown Robert, mariner, Washington n of Bank st
Brown William, fisher, 9 Starr alley
Brown Edward, carter, 11 Lancaster st
Brown John, sail maker, 174 Bank st
Brown Peter, manner, 62 Lancaster st
Brown Mrs Mary, 138 Thames st
Brown M s Maria, 92 Hollidays
Brown G. 16 Holhday st
Brown Elm, carpenter, 72 Centre st
Brown George, attorney at law, dw Mt. Vernon place
Brown Mrs Rebecca, Poppleton s of McHe.nry st
Brown John, 41 Rock st
Brown Samuel, cellar digger, Gibson st w of Preston
Brown Sylvester, butcher, Chesapeake st n of Boston, Canton
Browne Moses, painter, cor liberty alley and Buren st
Browne William, carpenter, cor. Liberty alley and Burenst
Browne James B silversmith, dw 187 Canal st
Browne George W. corner Mulhken and Eden sts
Browne Thomas, blacksmith, 125 n Eden st
Browne Mrs. Catherine, 112 Aisquith st
Browne Mrs. Elizabeth, 18 Buren st
Browne James H. flour and feed dealer, 52 R Frederick st
Browne John jr. miller, 122 Monument st
Browne George A. painter, 280 Monument st
Browne Geerge, 28 Harford avenue
Browne Charles, 39 Poppleton st
Browne & Owens, wholesale dry goods dealers, 309 w Balto, st
Browne E. N. of firm, s e corner St. Paul & Mulberry st,
Browne James, laborer, 29 Jefferson st
Browne Mrs Sarah, 72 Lexington st
Browne George, collector, 110 n Gay s
Browning Edward, firm Croxall & Browning, 936 Light st