Brown P. carpenter, 307 Saratoga st
Brown H. H. barber, 17 Holhday at
Brown Mrs George 1.20 n Gay st
Brown George, collector, 110 n Gay st
Brown James V. watchmaker, 2nd door from cor. Gay & Forrest
Brown Perry, 27 Forrest st
Brown E. undertaker of funerals and keeper of Meth Epis.
burying ground, 100 e Fayette St
Brown John, grocer, 168 Ensor st
Brown G. and Son, dry goods mts. 125 Baltimore st dw German
between Howard and Eutaw sts
Brown Thomas, silversmith, 170 Chestnut 84
Brown Henry cabinet maker, 232 Chestnut st
Brown John, cabinet maker, 80 Orleans st.
Brown William, carpenter, cor. Buren st and Liberty alley
Brown John, carpenter, 45 n High st
Brown Washington, 121 n High st
Brown Mrs Eliza Jane, 145 n High st
Brown J. L. tin and sheet iron worker, 227 n Gay st
Brown Martin S. engraver, dw 183 German st
Brown Peregrine, carter, 183 German st.
Brown Robert P. & Co, dry goods & com. mts 9 German st
Brown Robert P, dw 43 Lexington st
Brown & Appleton, commission merchants 19 German st
Brown & Dodge, painters, 146 w Lombard st
Brown David, blacksmith, 488 w Lombard st
Brown William, flour dealer, 467 w Lombard st
Brown Henry, machinist, 149 w Lombard st
Brown John, carpenter, 124 Columbia st
Brown, John, carpenter, 162 Conway st
Brown Aulav, clothier, 20 C. Market space
Brown N. V. grocer, 56 Second st
Brown Samuel, clothier, 15 Ensor st
Brown Mrs Ann, 6 Second st
Brown Alexander & Sons, bankers, 160 Baltimore st
Brown George, dw 16 Holhday st
Brown David hardware merch. dw 55 e Baltimore st
Brown Robert, watchmaker and jeweller, s w cor. Baltimore
and Calvert sts. dw 206 Baltimore
Brown Elisha N dw 73 St Paul st
Brown George W. attorney at law, 44 St Paul st
Brown T. J. gold and silversmith, 8 St Paul st, dw 170 Chesnut st
Brown William W. silversmith, Bank lane, dw York roa
Brown A. J. surgeon dentist, 32 n Charles st
Brown Edward, laborer, Cathedral st near Howard
Brown N. tavern keeper, 3 Camden st
Brown Benjamin, 82 Bond st
Brown Alexander P. tailor, e Balto, st near Broadway
Brown John, boot maker, 61 G. Montgomery st
Brown William, lumber inspector, 51 L. Hughes st
Brown Benjamin O. 99 G. Montgomery st
Brown J. S. s e cor Montgomery and William sts
Brown Thomas, rope maker, Green's court, Hamburg st
Brown Mrs Charity, 123 York st
Brown Peter, shoemaker, 4 Armistead lane.
Brown George W. constable, 63 Hanover it