Volume 525, Page 425 View pdf image (33K) |
Leaves lower end of Dugan's wharf every Monday morning at7 o'clock, for Annapolis BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA STEMBOAT CO.
A Boat leaves No.3 Light street wharf daily, Sunday excepted, at 2£ o'clock, P. M. STEAMBOAT CAMBRIDGE
Runs to Centretille and Chester-town erery Monday morning at 8- o'clock, returning STEAMBOAT OSIRIS
Runs to Centreville and Chestertown every Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, return- WASHINGTON. GEORGETOWN, AND ALEXANDRIA.
The Columbia. Cant. G. Guither, leaves Commerce street wharf erery Saturday at 4 PETERSBURG AND RICHMOND-FREIGHT AND PASSAGE.
Powhatan Steamboat Co.—Composed of the Steamboats Pocahontas and Columbus. J. BRANDT, Jr. Agent, 5 Light st. wharf. STEAMBOAT PLANTER
LeaTcs Maryland wharf every Wednesday morning, at 7 o'clock for Patuxent River and
PATUXENT will leave the same wharf every Saturday morning, at 7 o'clock, for STEAMBOAT MARY WASHINGTON
Leaves Hughes's Quay, corner Lee and Light streets, every Wednesday afternoon, at P'T DEPOSIT, HAVRE DE GRACE, AND TIDE WATER.
The S team boots Boston and Gov. Wolcott leave Patterson's wharf alternately every PHILADA. VIA FRENCHTOWN & NEWCASTLE R. R. Leaves lower end of Bowly 's wharf daily, at 8 o'clock, P. M. except in the winter. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. ST A GE LINES.
For Ellicott's Mills—daily, except Sunday, at 4 P. M., returning early next morn-
For Emmitsburg, Gettysburg, and Chambersburg, via Westminster—Leaves General
Carlisle via Hanover—Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 5 o'clock, A. M. Of-
Bel Air—Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Office, Hutchinson's tavern, Front
Reisterstoian—Daily, at 4 P. M. Office, Western Hotel, corner Howard and Sara-
For Wheeling and Pittsburg—See Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road.
Volume 525, Page 425 View pdf image (33K) |
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