Switzer Oliver, 72 Granby st
Switzer Daniel, blacksmith, Clay & near Poppleton st
Switzer John, grocer, 190 s Caroline st
Switzer Joseph, tavern keeper, 121 Canton avenue
Sword Alexander, carpenter; 129 Bond st
Sword John, pilot, 153 Ann st
Sword William, pilot, 225 Gough st
Sword & Walker, boat builders, 55 Fell St
Syburn Polly, 220 Raborg st
Syce Christian, laborer, 316 Bond st
Syerwinski Isidor, dry goods dealer, 46 Centre Market space
Sykes John, foundryman, 87 William St
Sylvester Mrs. Lydia, 86 s Eutaw at
Sylvester James, laborer, Walnut alley, near Rosa st
Symington George, shoemaker, 195 Spring st
Symonds Capt. Joseph, mariner, 235 e Fayette st
Synagogue Jewish, corner Lloyd and Salisbury st
Syps Jacob, shoemaker, 167 Franklin st
TAEUBER J. F. tailor, 41 Lewis st
Taffert Moses, 267 Forrest st
Tagart Samuel H. attorney at law, S St. Paul st
Tailor Thomas, 173 n Eutaw st
Tailor Samuel B. merchant tailor, 16 South st
Taite William, wood inspector, 75 Granby st
Talbot Mrs. Caroline M. 146 Mulberry st
Talbot Mrs. Eleonor, 121 s Paca st
Talbot Joseph, boarding house, 39 German st
Talbot T. E. firm Young & Talbot, dw South st
Talbot William A, attorney at law, 42 St. Paul st
Talbott Mahlon, clerk, 60 n Paca st
Talbott Mrs. Rachel, 351 n Gay st
Talbott William R. piano maker, 146 German st
Talbott George, house carpenter, 336 s Charles st
Taliaferio G. B. commission mer. 10 Bowly's wharf
Tail Joseph, house painter, 16 n High st. dw 75 n Eden st
Tall Levin W. grocer, 129 Light st dw 116 Lee st
Tatt John, mariner, 210 Alice Anna st
Tartey Hon. R. B. chief justice of the U. S. 31 Lexington st
Taney hill Samuel, merchant tailor, 83 n Gay st
Taneyhill Mrs. Rebecca S. and Susan M. 73 Pennsylvania av.
Tanner Dr. John, 45 e Lombard st
Tapman Samuel, laborer, 123 Cross st
Tappan John, cooper, 180 Light st
Tappin Edward, drayman, 42 Orchard st
Tarbutton William, music teacher, 118 Pine st
Tarleton Wm. A. & Co. sail makers, 89 Light St wharf
Tarlton Mrs. Ann, 33 Union st
Tarlton Mrs. Elizabeth, 144 Conway st
Tarlton Benjamin, cooper, 129 s Greene st
Tarr Edwin, cabinet maker, 11 n Gay st. dw 12 e Lombard st.
Tarr Mrs. dress makers, 134 Lexington st
Tarr Wm, U. com. for taking acknowledgments of deeds, mort-
gages, &c for the State of Penna. dw 271 n Gay st
Tarr W. B., cabinet, bed, and mattress maker, 35 n Gay st. dw
37 n Gay st