Dr. Spencer was born near Lynn,
Susquehanna County, Pa., July 11,
1857. He was educated in the public
schools and at Keystone Academy,
Factoryville, Pa.; Wyoming Sem-
inary, Kingston, Pa.; Illinois Wes-
leyan University, Bloomington, Ill.;
Columbia University, New York City;
Oxford University, Oxford, England.
He went to Japan for educational
work in the Tokyo Anglo-Japanese
College, now named Aoyama Gakuin,
where he spent fifteen years in vari-
ous capacities. Upon his return from
Japan, he accepted the principalship
of the Hudson River Institute at
Claverack, N. Y. It was from this
position that Dr. Spencer was called
to the Presidency of Morgan College
in 1902.
Dr. Spencer is President of the
Maryland Interracial Commission
member of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People, the Association for the
Handicapped, Inc., the Urban League,
the Asiatic Society in Japan, and a
member of the Baltimore Confer-
ence, Methodist Episcopal Church.
Dr. Spencer has spent his life work-
ing with minority races. He is a.
world traveler and a friend to man-