Director of Colored Schools of Baltimore
Mr. Wood came to Baltimore just three
years ago, but during his short stay
phenomenal changes have been wrought
in the colored division of the public
school system. The completion of the
Douglass High School and the Samuel C.
Taylor School, both of which were al-
ready under construction, constitute the
building program which he has helped
to engineer. The following schools, for-
merly occupied by white pupils have been
turned over to the, colored group: 119,
120, 121, 130, formerly the Western High
School which now houses the Coppin Nor-
mal School and Junior High School 130.
New principals have been appointed as
follows: M. W. Connor, Coppin Normal
School, Charles W. Jones, 120, E. G. Ad-
dison, 121, Wm. D. Johnson, 122, Samuel
Owens, 126, Clarence J. Roberts, 123,
James L, Thomas, 124, Wm. H. Proctor,
125, John N. Cotton, Booker T. Washing-
ton Junior High, Harry T. Pratt, Dunbar
Junior High, Wm. A. Anderson, Junior
High 130. The supervisory staff of which
there was none when Mr. Wood took charge now consists of five supervisors
of elementary grades, four of Junior High School grades, one assistant in research,
two special teachers in speech correction and one in lip reading.
One of the great accomplishments of Mr. Wood, looking to the professional
growth of his teachers has been the organization of the Baltimore City Teachers
Association, and the stimulation of the extension courses for principals and super-
visors under the auspices of Columbia University and the courses for teachers
given by Morgan College and the University of Maryland.
Director Wood enjoys the confidence of all groups of Baltimore's leading
citizens. The two race papers are in hearty accord with his efforts and their
editors frequently consult him on the status of the schools.
In the midst of his busy life in the educational field, Mr. Wood finds time for
church and community activities. He is Superintendent of Union Baptist Sunday
School, a member of the executive board of the Y. M. C. A., Association for the
Handicapped and the Urban League. He is also a Mason, K. of P., Kappa Alpha
Psi and an Elk.
Mr. Wood refuses to accept credit for the progress that has come under his
administration. He feels that this progress would have come anyway, but he says
that whatever he has been able to do has been made possible only through the
co-operative efforts of the large enthusiastic group of teachers, principals and
supervisors and the generous Board of Superintendents and School Commissioners.
What Reverend J. J. Baker has Accomplished
Among the achievements along educational
lines in Maryland was the success of Rev.
Jas. J. Baker, an A. M. E. Minister, in se-
curing the approval of a recommendation pre-
sented by him to the Baltimore County School
Board. The results are as follows.
Each child graduating from the graded
schools of Baltimore County and creditably
passing a prescribed examination by the
school board has his or her tuition paid in
the High Schools of Baltimore. One hundred
and fifty dollars Senior and ninety dollars
Junior. Heretofore, no provision was made
for higher training for the children of Bal-
timore County. Every colored person and
race loving white should in some way show
their appreciation to Rev. Baker for his ad-
vanced steps. There is no limit to the ac-
complishment. Other counties should fall in