Directress of the Sharp Street Com-
munity House, whose home town is
Cleveland. She has made quite a suc-
cess in her work since coming here,
actively engaged in social and civic
welfare work.
To Leave Hospital
Dr. Harry F. Brown, for eight
years superintendent of Provident
Hospital, tendered his resignation to
the Board of Directors to take effect
on September first.
Mr. Taylor, after voluntarily turn-
ing over to the receivers of E. B. Tay-
lor & Jenkins, Bankers, all his per-
sonal assets, including home and other
property, stock, bonds and about
$5,000 in cash on deposit in his own
bank and with others, has been de-
voting his attention to rehabilitating
himself. As a result, his catering
business, including the Century Roof,
the biggest cabaret in the world, has
almost doubled. This article is a
tribute from the editor to a man with
grit, who refuses to acknowledge he
is down—and will never be out.