The above is Mrs. C. Leland Simmons, of 1771 T St. N. W., Washington,
D. C. Mrs. Simmons is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. L. Jerome Wilson, of
Baltimore, Md., and is a sister of Mrs. J. Clarence Chambers. She was born and
educated in Baltimore, Md. She graduated from the Baltimore High School in
the Class of 1906, and from the Teachers' Training School in 1908. She taught
in the Baltimore Public Schools until 1912, when she was married to Mr. Simmons
at Bethei A. M. E. Church. Since taking up her residence in Washington she has
been quite actively identified with the educational and social life of the Capital City.
She has taught in Washington schools and is at present assistant librarian at the
Dunbar High School. She is a member of a number of women's clubs.